Saturday, April 11, 2009

Tonsilcancer In Toddler

Polaroid Liquide - "Experimental indie-post rock of bewitching beauty"

"set pieces from jazz, blues and noise are processed and re-interpreted. What emerges are flat soundscapes that work on multiple levels and are constantly changing." ( HNA, 04/08/2009 )

kept Despite this at least interesting-sounding concert announcement in Kassel, the daily onslaught of rather limited. With among the visitors on Thursday evening at the Cultural Centre in Kassel Dock 4 were Felix (the designated successor Cos my plate) and me. The small hall was very suitable for music: Upholstered seats, a spacious ground-floor stage and subdued lighting. The entrance fee was only 5 € (reduced) or 8 €. And so I was surprised how few people actually came. Maybe it was but also that the band description - which, incidentally, without CBE from the INTRO is magazine - unsettled. With the income from one dozen spectators were probably not even the travel costs are covered. More astonishing was the good humor of the band, with witty moderation in good mood the small mass produced and this could bring between almost every piece laugh. Striking and experimental sounding were the relatively long instrumental passages that are interrupted only by short melody sung or even rhythmically spoken lyrics. But since the attempt to the sound of the Berlin band to put into words, so far unsuccessfully failed reads, I save this enterprise and instead refer to their MySpace, where three songs are completely audible. ( / polaroid liquid )
"Are you alright? - We make then two hours of music time and ask for every half hour!" ( Vincent Kokot , band leader, after the first song)

(Top Photo:

Sunday, April 5, 2009

How To Make A Simple Doritos Dip

Kultour to Halle

"The puppet show has nothing to do with Punch and Judy!" Thomas assured me, where I spent my weekend, ahead of the visit of the puppet theater Halle / Saale. "This is nothing to do with puppets and stuff!" So I went most expectantly into the sold-out performance of " Grete L. and their K " on Friday evening. But after being welcomed by Atif Hussein (Artistic Director) and the main beam of the headlights and dipped devil Kasper puppet form to beat and in style with small wooden boards in a children's show. A narrative voice from the off:... "Kasper and devils sworn enemies for centuries pulls again and again, the devil the worst of makes him angry, he wants to bring the clown might be found but how through the power of..? love you! " And the love we could. As it became clear very soon, the play was anything but child-friendly. With crude lyrics, excessive love scenes painted and realistic relationship crises, the adult audience has been very well addressed and maintained. with a most unconventional end and a satirical, kitschy departure took the play to an end and the two puppeteers were showered with applause for several minutes.
On Saturday - after a bike ride along the hall - my weekend went on more culturally dignified level: We went to the movies. In the small house LUX film and I saw Thomas "Slumdog Millionaire" . A smart, well-made and award-winning film about the great love, great poverty and the hope that a child from the slum to millions of poor audience of the Indian is "Millionaire." If you have a chance to look at him, so does ! it

(photo above: Culture Inselhalle)