Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Heated Shower Mirriors

BEST - the day of the Berne events, seminars and conferences 25th October 2010

On 25 October 28 show top locations of the Berne hotels and restaurants their event-un d Congress on offer at the BEST'10, the Berne Trade Fair for Event-un d conference specialists at the Zentrum Paul Klee. Vo rmittags kann man sich über die Veranstal tungsstätten und Rahmenprogramme informieren, am Nachmittag erhalten Tagun gsplaner auf den organisierten Besichtigungstouren Einblicke in the plants un d can experience first place a comprehensive picture de r varied locations.

A very special s experience forms of transfer in the BEST Eventzug. On networking dinner at the Hotel Bellevue Palace guests can use the Ta g revue happen in a cozy atmosphere. Accompanied is the daily schedule of artists 's highlights and culinary between flights of fancy.

In Bern OVR
ernachten - you are an ngeladen

Bern Tourism invites meeting planners are welcome, already spend the weekend in Bern and "decelerate" in an informative B start EST-day. Hotel reservations and more information on B EST can be found directly at: www.bernInfo.com best /

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