Sunday, February 27, 2011

P90x Freeonline To Watch

"bluestocking" - Homage for "Blue stockings movement" by Rainer Magold 120 x 180 cm

" bluestocking" by Rainer Magold
Homage for "Blue stockings movement"
120 x 180 cm

the evening alone with her in the studio - photographs
"blue-stocking in the 19th century was a derogatory term for certain educated but force women as unfeminine They are one of the first. members of a women's movement , analogous to the " Emanze " of the 1970s. The Blue Stockings were not an organized group, like the later suffragettes , but some educated women of the middle class that contradicted the contemporary image of women. The women fought for women's suffrage and access to higher education. .. The female type of educated, professionally active, politically aware women in the mid-19th Century ... the target of male aversions and fears. "Quote Wikimedia


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