Saturday, January 31, 2009

Occasional Tables Ikea

Happy Birthday, Ken

Dear Ken Wilber! Today is your birthday and I congratulate you with all my heart. My best good wishes go to you and your loved ones today. The wishes of the spiritual brothers and sisters to you Power to give this world to bestow a long, long time. I'm looking forward in May again your voice be heard live . And deep inside I know that we are ONE and you've shown me .
Your Sebastian Gronau, Rudolf Steiner school
(This is my song for you You are cool because . You know, a spiritual master must be looking for one in which I can imagine at least that he at such an iconic and violent films, deliver any comment that is also apt, funny and straight and the same is said of the endless space of serenity and peace - because where there is never cool and brutal, but just as it is easy . - By the way: Did you know that my teacher, Rudolf Steiner, was always in one go Maybach . Yes, he was underneath it. Also cool. Even such a master. I like champions. ken
. Congratulations, Ken)
Ken Wilber Ken Wilber on birthday
" Today was my birthday. But it is 'Ken Wilber' birthday, not the birthday of my original face, the great unborn, the great, vast emptiness, which is unaffected by duration, time and tense.
This vast ocean of ease, this great expanse of freedom, this clear sea of silence: I am shy, I in the deepest part of myself, the infinite intersection, in the not me, but only mind.
There are no birthday festivities for the 'always', the infinite freedom, the wonderfully situated beyond birth and death alike.
Who will offer up all of a birthday song? Who will be celebrating the great distance. The unverkündet their songs in the silence sings? "
Rudolf Steiner
The comment field is now open exclusively for your congratulations.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Taking Oxycodone For Waxing

What is Anthroposophical Medicine?

What is Anthroposophical Medicine? Can someone please me just, well informed and friendly and explain in a few minutes ---

- but sorry, I did not have time to read to grade it myself ...

Sure, no problem, the IKK it reads like you before. Enjoy.


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Install Electric Start

freedom for the Anthroposophical Society

Imagine that there is a club for the free spirit. For such a spirit, as you know him by Hermann Hesse. "The Cosmic Spirit seeks not to restrain us and close, he will raise us higher, to step across.". A public association, that member could be anyone - irrespective of nation, class, religious, scientific or artistic conviction. Only one condition, it should be, namely, that you see such a club for the free spirit Legitimate something.

Since you were sitting with convinced Christians, Muslims, in addition to with pantheistic agnostics about - what else - to confer God and the world. German philosophers meditated with Indian gurus, and U.S. brain researchers, a Tibetan tantric master could be explained by an Italian Franciscan, which means sexual abstinence and a group of artists from Beuys students, Russian icon painters and graffiti artists opened a Jeff Koons exhibition - the artist guest of honor would be granted.

The most popular and most controversial spiritual teacher, author and master (see picture - click to enlarge) would intersect the blades and spiritual inspiration and the people again and again - and never forget the essence of their spiritual highs, to flow into underground projects. No event passed without actively not the suffering of the world would be alleviated.

All these free people had committed to with all the passion a motto, it would be spoken in that the people in the cosmos and the spiritual dimension exists and that there was a relationship between this same cosmic and human spirit, the one could watch with your senses and promote recognized.

There were no Programs, no dogma, no creed and no "dissent". On the contrary, unusual and provocative points of view were the pillars that support this place. Confusion, creative destruction and doubts were celebrated.

Because they always create new degrees of freedom. The spiritual activities of another one not limited to but one position would be always the case that the freedom of others and the freedom of the Community is enlarged. The greater the freedom, the greater the choice and the greater the chance for self-activity To take responsibility. Because - as this club was living his creed - only people who could freely and always act and think differently, can act responsibly.

It was only the love of freedom and the freedom to love, and of course this: lead to the lustful desire, knowledge, wisdom and compassion, self-knowledge and knowledge of the world again and again to the next level. "The Cosmic Spirit seeks not to restrain us and close, he will raise us higher, to step across.".

It would be a place that the media referred to as "the great Olympic spirit." A suggestive Appeal would go out from this place, in addition compassion and social responsibility would radiate - but not because someone calls it, not because there was an official policy, one was to follow, but simply because it is gratifying so unbelievable turning and pivotal point of evolution to be. The founder of this association would exclaim with law and with pride: "This is the most advanced society in the world."

Sure, you've guessed, this club is already ... or not.

Of course, the Anthroposophical Society long, long ago, far from being the place where all this is achieved. But it is the place where all this would be possible. The place where this would be possible. The place and the company that could implement their principles of organization and the first guiding principle was exactly that vision. Or personal terms: I want these Anthroposophical Society, this site of free thinking.

you would be a club that sees itself as a service for a cosmopolitan society, "as Cornelius Pieterse , board member of the General Anthroposophical Society Goetheanum, called it already. Rudolf Steiner Anthroposophical Society presented this as a society for authentic, strong and enthusiastic people - and for people whose delicate, insecure and sensitive search for the spiritual needs discretion, found previously only in monasteries.

For people in any event to trade any of the deep and unshakable awareness that it is the one and only world-spirit who wants to speak out in each of them. your individuality as they empfänden each unique expression of the ONE. They felt as colored publication of a unique public adjustable pure light. They would respond with a variety of names, knowing that in any more talks of the big names lose - and they never know exactly whether they should focus more excited about the many names or the fact that they radiate in all the nameless.

But they would be happy. This much is certain. It would be outrageous life of anthroposophy. We would be happy moments and ready and they would more beautiful be.

Anthroposophy in this sense is not a truth or reality that one has eventually realized in order to then take possession and defend. This is ultimately the secret to the fabulous performances of "Being anthroposophy". If you are looking for the essence of anthroposophy sticking place, just finally, exactly what distinguishes a living being from a dead thing: dynamic, an evolutionary urge to grow and the joy of incessant dialogue with other communicating beings.

He finds in this communication, ultimately, the reason why God has multiplied in infinite form as a world and humanity: God wanted to communicate and since he already all, he created something out of himself what he was and was not just the same. A son, a daughter. to children at any rate, are also able to be creatively active - whatever their age.

God is in the genes.

And who deeply studied enough of this "essence Anthroposophy will notice what Steiner noted, namely that " the result of these investigations is that the truth, as is commonly supposed, the ideal MIRROR some is real, but a free product . The human spirit "

Ergo:" The essence of Anthroposophy is not some transcendental reality beyond and independent of man, but the creation of a creatively active being who is on the name "Rudolf man" in general and "Steiner "specifically heard - and this being Anthroposophy will be in the future, exactly what we make of it.

Simply because it is what Steiner constantly in ever new words trying to explain to his audience, namely, so "that this reality by recognizing not be found, because it is a reality created in the first detection.

The real motive for the divine and human creativity, the question "why-we-do-what-we-do", is mainly attributable to answer as it does hereby Cologne in me: "From fun at Freud. Creation is an astonishing expression of the joy of God - and God had no choice but to re-produce themselves, the result must be a creator of his creation again.

The "divine consciousness," said Steiner, "begrudge an immeasurably large number of entities the same content that has it yourself ... in great numbers will appear that was in unit at the beginning of world development."

The joy of this creative recognition was for Steiner the focal point of the anthroposophical movement "In the moments when you want certain very important findings, the souls burst with joy and elated by this or that understanding, then only when such people feel as anthroposophy, then anthroposophical movement emerged. you really arises as anthroposophical movement as a whole people. "

why my vision described here is not merely a dialogue for dialogue's sake, but in this dialog Anthroposophy arises only - always new, always different. is not new in every moment and it does not grow continuously beyond itself , they do not.

Anthroposophy is a perpetual HEUREKA of themselves "anthroposophy is impulsive - but deliberately impulsive" (Karen Swassjan). Anthroposophy is from this perspective, not some character, but a conscious, a wise being. Prerequisite: We are conscious and wise beings. I am told that anthroposophy can help us to become that.

Thus, the Anthroposophical Society also arise only when they communicate - and if she keeps on a little bit, they should compete with the respective spiritual giants of their time.

I know a few people in the Anthroposophical Society, who have chosen to achieve exactly this impossible society. The way I see it, they act so that they are what they are already as powers are and what Steiner formulated as follows:

"For every one of us is called to free spirit, as every rose bud is called to be Rose. "

These people I stand with these people and I lay me flat out. Read it the way they want: as a declaration of war or a declaration of love. Both are true.

I want you read this and feel this is just a free spirit, very direct appeal: The vision of the Anthroposophical Society is not only unfinished, but can also fail. I know that the free spirit can flourish anywhere, but here and everywhere I advertise for membership of the Anthroposophical Society.

this be advertising for the Anthroposophical Society? But Hello! Yes, that's advertising! Advertising for the community of the free.

advertising of a risk. Let's say for 48 months. Let's call it "venture 48".

Step into the Anthroposophical society! (dual memberships with other associations are possible and increase the attractive power)
Contact a period of 48 months. Get involved with other free spirits. And after 48 months you make your own personal opinion - if you leave then, you must never ask whether it would not perhaps have been the place for you to mark the be what you have always been: Free. You have given the answer then himself.

If you remain here, then this vision may have been created precisely by your unique contribution. The free mind is not somewhere out there. He wakes up in the moment to full consciousness when deciding soul strong individuals that this spirit will live in them. Anthroposophic society could be a community in which this conscious mind is not corrupted by community, but is multiplied.

you and I and we are then, decide how big the heart of this spirit, and if he feels like this life and whether to Freedom smells. And freedom is female ...

I promise that I'm in and I'll tell you another thing: I long for you - its free spirits!

first Anthroposophic motto:
"Anthroposophy is a knowledge which would guide the spiritual in the human being to the spiritual in the universe. It occurs in the human heart and emotion than on need. You must be justified by finding that they can satisfy the needs of grant. "(Anthroposophic principles, Rudolf Steiner Gesamtausgabe No. 26)

principles of anthroposophic Company
The Anthroposophical Society is not a secret society, but an entirely public. Your member can be anyone, irrespective of nation, class, religious, scientific or artistic conviction, in the stock of such institution as is the Goetheanum School of Spiritual Science as something Legitimate sees. The Company disclaims any sectarian effort. The policy does not consider as being in their task.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Bubbly Feeling In Colon

The weight

tonight I've dreamed of death. Close he was. One of the dying man said, "I want to try this beer." I brought him a beer. Another said, "Go out quietly - I'll wait here" to his wife. He missed half of the body. One child had to piddle. I carried her to the toilet and then washed him with liquid Soap hands. It would die in a few minutes or hours, but there was at that moment nothing more important than this clean, sweet-smelling hands. What everyone dying at the end and felt dumb debate was this: "The great moments have weight. Care for beautiful moments. . If you are overweight "

This text will now read some people - one will die next. Then another one. At some point you're the next dead man. the end, all will be dead. And very, very, very, very end, nobody will remain no one left. No longer human. Not in the north, not south, in any house, in any forest. Earth.

What will remain? What weight?

The good times have weight. Beautiful moments - despite everything.
is and if everything, everything, everything is over, then the universe to be something that is made of pure beauty. All beautiful moments of the total time to cluster together in this one beauty. And this beauty is important, be as dense and concentrated that it developed its own gravity. you will attract new life.
A planet made of pure beauty will arise and bring forth new life. And flow fragrant gold. And this gold will consist of the beautiful moments of your life. And everywhere is the comfort. Please fishing today. Search creates beautiful moments, beautiful moments. Each beautiful moment is a block of gold.

concern that smell the hands of dying children in the last breath of beauty.

And all the pain will be beauty.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dried Cranberry And Cold


Before each meditation - whether alone or in a group e - I got used to greeting Namaste. In my observation, he not only expresses respect for the act of meditation (and participants), and thus before preparing the contemplative field. The greeting is already the concentrated form of meditation. In it symbolizes the whole attitude that we take in meditation and flow through all of our chakras can.

Each flower of Charkras to rotate in the rhythm of this greeting.

According Deepak Chopra makes them similar to the following statement: "I honor the divine spirit in you, whom I serve and in myself - and I know that we are thus one."

Just because this gesture is in our cultural context, rather unusually, it can develop a special power and dynamic - we have to consciously make decisions for them.

Thus, this greeting of the frame of consciousness within which the meditation unfolds. Consciousness of consciousness - that is the exclusive human right. and human duty. Here God himself awakened to light up the emptiness.
Namaste - and have a nice sunny day.
(Natürich You can also just say Hello Or better yet. " you God Bless" - "Yes, you greet God")

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Send Sms To Baby Born

A gift for Germany

By Jens Heisterkamp

That a film about the German resistance, not a dry docudrama, but a mainstream event was successful, is largely due to the actor, Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg so amazingly striking face where is: Tom Cruise was the one who discovered a sophisticated writer (which even the seasoned authors conceded initially only a chance for a cinematic chamber piece) and supported, Cruise was the one with director Bryan Singer (The Usual Suspects, X- Men) is a creative production environment created in which the whole set on a regular basis from letters Stauffenberg read, Cruise was the one who brought despite hysterical objections of "sect commissioners" those responsible finally to, but to be able to turn to Berlin's original locations and thus the more vile Bendlerblock could make a pilgrimage site for film fans.

in the text ...

Thursday, January 22, 2009

How To Write A Resume For A Clothing Store

The sin and the pursuit of happiness has

What is sin? Is there something that God is so diametrically opposed that you could actually call it as the negation of God? One can philosophize about it many miles, but from the enlightened point of view, the case is very easy because - like all the really true things are always really easy. Therefore I will not ever herumphilosophieren here now. Anyone looking for a herumphilosophierte response should they look elsewhere and to worry about the head and the heart - that I am not responsible. Here are the awakened position. Have fun!

The answer can be easily found if one has experienced fully what God's nature.

God is happiness.

If that appears on the face of his own suffering as impudence, can be happy with the following rates on the occasion of his AnthroNRW take Favorites bar to delete:

God can not help, as everything that he experiences through the people to experience good luck.

ie, God removes your personal misfortune. Your personal misfortune because he simply treated as another experience. Experience is to gather God's hobby. He has made it a career. He transformed everything and anything and always in his personal happiness mode.

So what is sin?
In God there is no sin.

Simply because God himself that which confronts him diametrically - Namely, the suffering - through its permanent and unshakable by anything and everything and all about absorbing radiant and eternal happiness mode, which is set for continuous operation and to end by no amount of human tragedy is transformed into happiness.

God is like a black hole. But in gold.

So if you really think spirituality in general and specifically Anthroposophy would be your thing, if you've got it, the happiness of the nature of God is God and you strive to want if you want to be worthy child of God, if you deeply want to penetrate into the nature of God and all that stuff, then - damn - care as the first that you are happy and making sure that your happiness is so explosive and radiant that it spreads in concentric circles around you.

Be happy in all quadrants. At all levels. In all states. AQAL Be happy.

making people happy - and if you do not begin with you, you start you never, never somewhere. And sometimes - and probably in most cases - begins the distribution of luck to it, that we cease to distribute his own misfortune. This ends then karma.

And if you noticed that people suffer, or some people to overthrow the other people into misfortune and suffering is created, then make sure that this will change immediately. By all means. Including all means.

What happens if you are unhappy, and unhappiness spread?
You are a sinner in God then?

Nope. See above.

You are a sinner
up to you and of your neighbor.
And that is ultimately the end just completely silly and stupid.

From an enlightened point of view, but you can say: for God is no problem. He lifts the misfortune in his heart - it makes "Wuuuiiiieeeppppfffaaahhhhhh" and all is well again. forgiveness? Here it is.

What is happiness, you have to decide for yourself. You assume you could follow the example of Rudolf Steiner: "I recognize no external principle, because I myself, the reason for the action, the love found on the plot."

Sometimes you have to be smart but a little bit and a little outside the box, because not so rare, it will first get worse before it gets better.

Ask yourself but for all the pain and sometimes always helpful suffering: does it really still the goal? When training it is possible that one hurt like hell the muscles - that's ok as long as you feel this pain more than luck on their way to the muscle-luck.

As long as you do it so as God - so, therefore, that you transformierst your suffering into happiness - as long as go on. If you can not do it alone, then get yourself someone who takes this absolute and woke perspective for you and helps you to transcend suffering and pain into happiness. In sports, called the trainer. In the context of spirituality it is called Guru.

enough for me personally, the basic happiness of eating, drinking and copulation not. While it is wonderful and the basis for the art, knowledge and dedication to become free of the mind, but because nothing stands higher than the mind itself is a direct experience of the Spirit to me the highest and most especially the indestructible happiness.

In God is eternal happiness and I do not see why I should be less happy than God.

And again: in all quadrants.

This life has only one purpose: to live it as a divine manifestation. "greatest happiness and least pain" , she calls us all meet as a leitmotif. This is their message, and every man has this information anchored deeply and firmly as a code in itself: Life is for living. Our nature is happiness.

Who may participate in this joy to experience what it was that it is possible to agree to allow the joy many people as possible - otherwise social commitment and willingness to help, and no destination has it, as least pain and to achieve greater happiness than quadrants mass phenomenon.

summary for those of us that was too philosophical:
first God is in complete happiness.
second Your misfortune is repealed in God to happiness.
third In God there is no sin
4th Maximize happiness and minimize unhappiness. All of AQAL.
third Mach's like God has recommended to you: Love the Lord your God, and love. your neighbor as yourself

Therefore he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and sends those parts which have nothing prepared for themselves, because this day is holy unto our Lord.
troubled And you do not, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.
Nehemiah 8:10

Poems About Bridals Shower Money Gifts

" Shake everything you've got "

"Tonight is'n Funk Session the slaughterhouse "-" Cool, let's going away! "-" Yes! ... And what is "
There were explanations of" something more melodic than punk "to" anything electronic, so pulled that even our techno obsessed manager consider to join us there, but the reality was quite different:. James Brown, the inventor of radio was in 1960 certainly do with punk or power can have on their hats. played by the best improvisers jazz style in ever-changing cast of local musicians more or less known pieces, with the sequence within the songs session usually spontaneously on stage found. It were as "Shake everything you've got" by Maceo Parker or "Mercy" by Duffy. Above all, the passionately played solos in the audience down a narrow hall with the Culture House. Even my four roommates who were there, and I did not stay stationary. At the next session in April, we will certainly be back.
side note is that the number of blogs has doubled in our flat. Now there are already two. Mr. Jones, aka Jonas stamped sketches ranging from a few days be from the soil, which can find an article on the radio session.

Difference Between Scsi Cable And Ide Cable

A sense of Wholeness

fearlessness based on a feeling. The feeling to be yourself. What founds the feeling to be yourself? Normally, people cling to the notion of a sense of self. Call it the "limited self-awareness". The limited sense of self is constantly sought, the many small Morsels of our life experience to construct a self, and constantly, we are concerned that somehow designed to self-cling, stick, and protect, because we fear that fall apart the many small bites could experience.

It is also not matter whether you are a spiritual or leads a very materialistic life - ultimately people use only different brackets and adhesives, but the groove is always the same: separate and become torn.
Just as then, when divorced parents were complete, as at that time as we had to leave a beloved place, as then died as a loving man, like when my partner left me - or you know him. As always when something is pretty broken. Whether you karma or coincidence tag tag used for bonding, it is the helpless attempt in front of the recurring feeling of isolation to protect. Like in the past when we were expelled from Paradise.

But as much as the ego tries to hold together the life - it will never succeed, ever. And formulate one simple reason that the great Deepak Chopra so and many ways similar: "Wholeness is a state beyond the personality" .

creates a sense of wholeness, if your "I Am" with the "I Am" everywhere else collapses. feeling as if only a single "I Am" is left, then you are really all about. (schizophrenia in this sense is not only a pathological split personality, but an accident initiation into the secret of wholeness).

There are many ways then. Some have to do with grace, others with a little training. A training session goes like this: Imagine just keep before, that your very own "I Am" feeling in his deepest depths, in its most primal being-feeling at that moment when you have a child it felt for the first time, exactly the same I-Am is feeling, what everyone added.
Whenever You mean, someone to think - without thinking "we." Think and feel whenever two or three together are: "I am."

to Sit in the tram next to a man and go deep into your simple and eternal I AM feeling that you know. And then squint times a bit to your neighbors over and think with your stomach and your toe and the heart and the head "You too? Wow - you, I know "here Smile!.
This smile is the badge of the citizens of eternity - they recognize the eternal and only I in the neighbor. "The man is a citizen of eternity, because it carries within itself something eternal, the person would only Ephemeral see in the world if he were not himself a permanent. " (Rudolf Steiner)
In general, it helps a lot if you the word I, no matter where you say it, think or feel always meet with a smiling, bright tenderness. You open the doors to your ego-self. The ego can get out and the ICH occurs ... Fluent.
The uniqueness, strength, energy and beauty of your individuality is losing only one thing: fear. What remains is the joy. The whole joy.
you are being yourself - no longer alone.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Car Battery Charger 14.5 Volt

The radical culture of the heart

This blog is a problem. If this blog were a medicine, then the problem would quickly become clear. Let's say it would be something like a heat patch and someone opened it, who is suffering from a blister. Well, stupid. Frankly, I'm always afraid if I write something here. If I might write that there is nothing more important than really develop morally, it is possible that someone reads this for his personal invitation to the moral to exert so much sense, is like a heat patch for a burnt offering.

There is only one thing that is greater than my fear of something to share from a radical perspective into the world. That's confidence. I trust my readers. System that is as radical as I trust myself. Without this radical trust in the autonomy and responsibility of people, I could also hold lectures or write articles.

The other day I can
said a colleague, I must be careful because I must always remember that I serve with my words. Sometimes, ok, maybe they were just flat, but sometimes they could do something extraordinary. Every man to watch for in this sense to his words because each word can be a knife - or a cure.

I understand what this says colleague and of course I pay attention to my thoughts and words - for they are the reality on which everything rests.

Nevertheless The much-vaunted culture of the heart is not a culture of weak individuals protect themselves and each other gently . Deal I find it very important to protect himself and his personal life and his social environment and with respect bypasses. I am also sure that one has to determine that one has a right to treat the other people a respectful and where am not so, I am sure that you doubt sometimes skin with his fist on the table. And on the nose. Yes.

But all that, each selection and each injury that I suffered, or fault, everything that's embedded in my baseless confidence.
We can treat each other hard, because we trust ourselves. We must protect ourselves and hurt, because we know that we basically invulnerable and are always protected. One can violate Sebastian and Sebastian will be hurt - but what then whines? The ego - the guy is indeed a silly guy. But the one that is aware of Sebastian's and each reader and each reader's conscious - never complaining. And it's not silly.

I trust my faith.
If you believe in the Christ in you - do you think the Christ in you is ever hurt?

If you believe in the Buddha - you think of the Buddha in you can by pain from the rest ? Bring

If you believe in God - you believe in God you ever feel cheated or disappointed is? Do you believe in God you can be fooled at all?

If you believe in angels - You think your angel of words can be put to flight? If it is not just there - steadfast and timeless loyalty?

If you believe in a cosmic energy in you think - do you believe this cosmic energy is weakening, because false words penetrate you?

If you believe in the immaculate emptiness - you think this impeccable Empty, would by false words - can spot - by anything at all?

If you believe in the simple and deep and unconditional love - you think that love would begin to hate when it is kicked?

If you believe in the culture of the heart - you think a weak wimps culture? Or do you believe in a strong, authentic, eternal, while evolutionary culture that will be stronger, wiser and more pleasurable than anything that people have so far produced?

For me there is only one reason why I dare to speak and write. Only one reason why I prefer personal relationships in the radicalism of relativity.

It is groundless confidence that together we believe in something that goes far beyond us. Every time people devote themselves to something larger than themselves, then this is a step towards their mission. I believe in our common mission.

to the eternal within the finite. Christ in the ego. To the Buddha in the self. To the angel in the astral body. On the void that is flawless. To the goddess whose heart is so great that everything has it place. To the love, the greatest love. The culture of the heart that beat heavily and never missing a beat.
I trust.
Because I believe in the person I am. Because I believe in the people who you are. Because I believe in the man who is always. In everything.

I trust us. Radical. That's why I'm anthroposophist.

On one level this is all pretty silly. I know that, but this level may not longer be the hiding place where we deny that what we believe really, really.

Those who leave this level of post-modern games of hide, the stands naked in the wind.

And in the sun.

Shotaconmanga Gays Gratis Fotos


" If you or another face with a phenomenon in need of education, and try to explain such a phenomenon associated with their intellectual backgrounds and make it right, zurüchzuführen an everyday occurrence in their spiritual base, you will arouse in most people of our present no particular interest.

Many people are looking for our presence not explain, but the un-explicable.

you are lucky if they can find something that remains inexplicable to them.

you tell one that has occurred here and there something for which no one knows a statement, they are satisfied. People want so really be drawn to the inexplicable.

you do not want what has to penetrate them, but increase the miraculous. Try one person to explain something about the evolution of plants, by being able to collect from the bases of development and look deeply into nature, then by the sensuous, where you touch the spirit on one end, is guided into deep the spiritual - he can not believe in a spiritual world!

but you tell such people that a hand has come from a statue lost, found in another city and was was re-inserted, as they say: no one can explain, therefore I believe in a spiritual world.
This is so that people want to remain alive to the spirit of understanding, because they believe that one can not fathom. So that they open up the superstition but the door to all over the place. "
Rudolf Steiner
Steiner was a lot. Including a joker. Wunderbar!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Different Between Benzaclin And Generic

lampshades in Kassel

On Wednesday, 4 March 2009 play, "Lampshade", a Danish band, at the slaughterhouse in Kassel. If you are interested this concert was - you remember, is the only concert of almost famous band in the first quarter in Kassel - the report please contact me.

Lampshade - New Lags "

Since Monday I'm doing now on my fifth community service month. So far, this is mainly characterized by an at least visually beautiful thing: snow. As probably in the rest of West Germany has not snowed a little. Unfortunately, for a civil servant is thus winter together outside of regular working hours. Annoying and legal. By extremely low heat - last night minus 15 degrees that night expected to minus 20 degrees - will melt the snow hardly. Much more important is that we are just two people less in the WG, since a Zivikollege is doing holiday in beautiful Slovenia and a roommate in the course of their training many weeks bookseller in Frankfurt / Main to be.

Enjoy the snow and be happy in life. Or behold in my sidebar. Maybe even someone falls out of the now not quite something new photos ...