Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dried Cranberry And Cold


Before each meditation - whether alone or in a group e - I got used to greeting Namaste. In my observation, he not only expresses respect for the act of meditation (and participants), and thus before preparing the contemplative field. The greeting is already the concentrated form of meditation. In it symbolizes the whole attitude that we take in meditation and flow through all of our chakras can.

Each flower of Charkras to rotate in the rhythm of this greeting.

According Deepak Chopra makes them similar to the following statement: "I honor the divine spirit in you, whom I serve and in myself - and I know that we are thus one."

Just because this gesture is in our cultural context, rather unusually, it can develop a special power and dynamic - we have to consciously make decisions for them.

Thus, this greeting of the frame of consciousness within which the meditation unfolds. Consciousness of consciousness - that is the exclusive human right. and human duty. Here God himself awakened to light up the emptiness.
Namaste - and have a nice sunny day.
(Natürich You can also just say Hello Or better yet. " you God Bless" - "Yes, you greet God")


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