Thursday, January 22, 2009

Difference Between Scsi Cable And Ide Cable

A sense of Wholeness

fearlessness based on a feeling. The feeling to be yourself. What founds the feeling to be yourself? Normally, people cling to the notion of a sense of self. Call it the "limited self-awareness". The limited sense of self is constantly sought, the many small Morsels of our life experience to construct a self, and constantly, we are concerned that somehow designed to self-cling, stick, and protect, because we fear that fall apart the many small bites could experience.

It is also not matter whether you are a spiritual or leads a very materialistic life - ultimately people use only different brackets and adhesives, but the groove is always the same: separate and become torn.
Just as then, when divorced parents were complete, as at that time as we had to leave a beloved place, as then died as a loving man, like when my partner left me - or you know him. As always when something is pretty broken. Whether you karma or coincidence tag tag used for bonding, it is the helpless attempt in front of the recurring feeling of isolation to protect. Like in the past when we were expelled from Paradise.

But as much as the ego tries to hold together the life - it will never succeed, ever. And formulate one simple reason that the great Deepak Chopra so and many ways similar: "Wholeness is a state beyond the personality" .

creates a sense of wholeness, if your "I Am" with the "I Am" everywhere else collapses. feeling as if only a single "I Am" is left, then you are really all about. (schizophrenia in this sense is not only a pathological split personality, but an accident initiation into the secret of wholeness).

There are many ways then. Some have to do with grace, others with a little training. A training session goes like this: Imagine just keep before, that your very own "I Am" feeling in his deepest depths, in its most primal being-feeling at that moment when you have a child it felt for the first time, exactly the same I-Am is feeling, what everyone added.
Whenever You mean, someone to think - without thinking "we." Think and feel whenever two or three together are: "I am."

to Sit in the tram next to a man and go deep into your simple and eternal I AM feeling that you know. And then squint times a bit to your neighbors over and think with your stomach and your toe and the heart and the head "You too? Wow - you, I know "here Smile!.
This smile is the badge of the citizens of eternity - they recognize the eternal and only I in the neighbor. "The man is a citizen of eternity, because it carries within itself something eternal, the person would only Ephemeral see in the world if he were not himself a permanent. " (Rudolf Steiner)
In general, it helps a lot if you the word I, no matter where you say it, think or feel always meet with a smiling, bright tenderness. You open the doors to your ego-self. The ego can get out and the ICH occurs ... Fluent.
The uniqueness, strength, energy and beauty of your individuality is losing only one thing: fear. What remains is the joy. The whole joy.
you are being yourself - no longer alone.


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