Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Shotaconmanga Gays Gratis Fotos


" If you or another face with a phenomenon in need of education, and try to explain such a phenomenon associated with their intellectual backgrounds and make it right, zurüchzuführen an everyday occurrence in their spiritual base, you will arouse in most people of our present no particular interest.

Many people are looking for our presence not explain, but the un-explicable.

you are lucky if they can find something that remains inexplicable to them.

you tell one that has occurred here and there something for which no one knows a statement, they are satisfied. People want so really be drawn to the inexplicable.

you do not want what has to penetrate them, but increase the miraculous. Try one person to explain something about the evolution of plants, by being able to collect from the bases of development and look deeply into nature, then by the sensuous, where you touch the spirit on one end, is guided into deep the spiritual - he can not believe in a spiritual world!

but you tell such people that a hand has come from a statue lost, found in another city and was was re-inserted, as they say: no one can explain, therefore I believe in a spiritual world.
This is so that people want to remain alive to the spirit of understanding, because they believe that one can not fathom. So that they open up the superstition but the door to all over the place. "
Rudolf Steiner
Steiner was a lot. Including a joker. Wunderbar!


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