Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Printable Cogat Sample Test 3rd Grade

AnthroNRW - The end.

. Lent, I'll do it short and quote the Rhineland carnival hit of the day: "On Ash Wednesday is all over ..." Almost exactly two years after the start of AnthroNRW this is the second last post is one of. over three hundred articles, enriched by well over a thousand comments were - I can not say exactly how many thousands of guests were here, but I can say that this Blog for a significant part of my life was. In a few days, I will again report to you - with a last salute to AnthroNRW ... let's see, what then can I say.

The blog helped me to motivate me again and again. You have helped me. The reactions and the rate pushed me in a powerful way to break through again and again thought patterns to create new visions to experience the wide calm even under high voltage, keep the endless silence, even in the brutal rush, the fight in spite of inner peace to lead powerfully and in daily life to examine rigorously whether and how do I meet my own expectations and visions am. get up and over.

"Become what you pretend to be" called David Bowie this and says the heart of the light warrior: "If you publicly takes your ideas, you have to strive to live according to them." And Warrior of Light thinks what he says, the soldiers at the end to what he says.

Finally I discovered that the 24-hour integrity is my new goal. Nothing gives me more fun than achieving this goal.

The blog was there my spiritual Drill Instructor and I was glad deeply how these Website touched and inspired other people.

This included heaps of ridicule, malicious and spiteful criticism. AnthroNRW was THE topic of conversation for many months - and not just the Anthrosphäre the web. I could tell you about absurd conversations, letters, emails and frantic phone calls. However, it is for me an energetic surprise that almost never expressed any of these critics hate on my blog. Instead were opened Gronbach-bashing sites, cartoons written and distributed foul nonsense - but never here about this site.

I explain this miracle by their permanent Art psychic shield, which my readers stressed - they all working toward a heroic positivity.
The force of the good, the power of the One, the power of individual joy and courage ... that was actually all present here.

You know - that this was successful for two years, that despite all the deep, sad and painful discussions, some stupidity and some hardening of me, always the joyful spirit of goodness, of truth and beauty was always present, is that for me the greatest gift that we have made ourselves. We have not become cynical, are not fall into posmoderne and gossip have always aufgereichtet greatest. The biggest thing the vastness of the cosmos and also the center of our conscience. We were faithful and that was our performance.

clear love and power of evolution. These were not just words - that was an atmosphere that we have created.

I think we went together a few good steps - most recently on the way to an unconditional basic income. For me this was really a highlight. So I stop here when it's at its best.

I thank you in respect and love.

AnthroNRW had a beginning and now has just AnthroNRW an end. Thus, this

few years ago, I was able to learn that the banal Matrix Revolution Set: "Everything has a beginning has an end to" is one of only two truths, there is.

Who will be the only truth is in the truest sense of the word fall into an endless depression. That is why it is called simultaneous experience of other single truth, the awakening or enlightenment. I learned in infinite simplicity, that each of us, born to die, the following sentence can say to each other and from themselves:

" I am that there was, is and will be there.

I am life and life has no opposite ".

All I wanted to say in the two years is this: Live both truths than the great, a truth. Long live the two faces of God.

provides puzzles to puzzles in the room,
puzzles to puzzle runs in time;
solution brings the mind only, to take the

beyond borders and beyond space
the flow of time.
(Rudolf Steiner)

life your finite self, but it rests in the infinite (Ken Wilber)


I formulate my farewell song for AnthroNRW. Instead of the word "child" in the text, you can also sing flower, mountain, cloud, dog, or whore. (If you like, you can in the March issue of the journal info3 to read more on this theme of "true spirituality".)

sings these lines as a dance song - she is learning how to learn a dance. Trips over your feet and start again. Let's just singing and dancing farewell embrace for many, the A :

.... from eternity to eternity. True spirituality I live if I radically turn away from all forms of life and full of wisdom turn to the formless Spirit, which I than my own inner being recognize that manifests itself in a child. This mortal child, I turn to compassion as a mortal man, in his eyes to the wisdom full view to see the formless and immortal spirit, which I am myself. From eternity to eternity ....

goodbye and Tschö, your Sebastian Gronbach.

Difference Between Imax And Cinaplex

The Last Days

What do you think is a great victory? to determine. What do you think of the final victory is To recognize that the one which one determines one's own . If I should say what I Anthroposophy by all phases of my life has given, then there was this: I never saw the fate of as something coming from outside - I experienced the exterior of fate, when I came to meet me himself
later. I realized how true this experience really is.

why I could always throw of radicalism in the struggles of life, because I lived in the feeling "You fight with yourself - and you can do what you expect." what I will expect, for I am convinced that the only way development is possible ... at least until I'm satisfied as long as I am a man. "Penis Power" is how my spiritual brother this

And I will not cease to be an imposition on others. For I myself am the other. WE are the other and we can really feel much.

Even in the last days of this blog ...

"There is an experience of fate in which one does not lose the self. It is also in the destiny still see themselves as effective. You are in the unselfish view of human fate, an experience where you not only learns one's existence, love but the world.

instead hineinzustarren in the world, in the happiness and unhappiness with the "I" to their shafts, you will find the I, the consideration to design their own fate. Instead hitting the world in which the ego shattered, one penetrates into the self that feels connected to the world stage.

The fate of man is prepared for him by the world that he reveal his meaning.

it finds its own effectiveness in the destiny reign, he increased his self-essential, not only from its own interior, but he rises from the physical world. "
(Rudolf Steiner)

Thursday, February 19, 2009

9 Yr Old Taking A Bath

sharp Eastern Europe

How did I deserve me! After two strenuous work throughout the next days, I leave late last week was just right. But this time the goal was not the sunny "Middle East", but the icy cold eastern Germany. I called it "my roommate Hesse, Saxony-Anhalt Jonas show" - he called it an "Eastern Tour". And got out of the marked difference in temperature tremendously in Aschersleben reinforced that impression. But the following days were very relaxing holiday, eye-opening and sharp. focus was particularly our Asian cooking trial with incredibly sour pineapple and a little too much of the chilli. Eye-opening for me, especially the two days in Halle (Saale) were. Blinded by the negative stereotypes of prefabricated buildings and neglected inner city, I probably had in common with the majority of Germans, I am so far as blinkered walked through the city and have the option to study in Halle, only considered with the greatest distance. To me are the many beautiful buildings and atmosphere of the Thirties cobblestone winding streets along with street lamps and houses of that time with milling crowds and tram never noticed. The many elegant cafes and bars, cinemas and theaters far from the mainstream, make the city grow intressant for me. Enough to hall - for now. Also because we were still in Magedeburg, Wittenberg and Nordhausen. Back in Kassel, the new work week began recovering melancolieförderndem apart from snow and motivated again. God save my "Middle East"!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How To Do A Tape Haircut

wins The new WE - But how?

The last few days have made me once more how important the dimension of the WIR. The petition for an unconditional basic income, was made by Susan Wiest in charmingly benighted way in the world - it almost seemed as if the force of the explosion was not just lie in the professionalism of this action, but in the simple humanity. And what happened? Was it just a hype group dynamic that drove the petition forward? What was going on in the past Roughly fourteen days?

It is clearly evident that something has happened, what goes on the list with almost 53 000 names out. In addition to an obvious joy at this fact and the fact that the socio-political issue has received an unconditional basic income, a new weight, clearly something else in the room - an invisible question that between the facts, the joy and the questions afterwards as now goes on, seems to float.

This petition could win, because tens of thousands of people at a time all by myself - maybe even lonely - and sat at the computer were connected SIMULTANEOUSLY. This alone is something that what is the history of mankind until very recently.
It is a completely new phenomenon that solitude and community, fall into a moment of it and a large force is produced - Obama owes this new phenomenon, the decisive thrust.

But something worse, which is reflected in the petition history. Because here people did not only connected in a network. We not only stood hand in hand and looked at us and were happy with each other and communicate on a horizontal plane. So the everyday life of the Internet community.

But we had no life, we had holidays. And the holidays are characterized by the fact that not only looks into the eyes - but that one looks up. On a common vision, a goal, a new stage of development. And where crossing the eyes to create a shining star. Something that is more than the sum of its parts - something that depends on each individual and yet goes far beyond everyone out. Not only we, who stand in a circle, are the unusual - the unusual is the star. This star is the WE .

In mythological language, uses, sometimes, the anthroposophy, it would be WE-star level , which also moves the citizens' movement for the basic income described as Archangel hierarchy. The powerful symbolic of this language is that existential is felt that this hierarchy is actually a structure that is somewhat of a life of its own leads. In another language concept, one can speak of a higher field of intelligence.

I am deeply convinced that we - if we are actually creating a new culture that embraces all areas of life (level as well, the areas of the economy) that we will need this level of living WE are.

One of the victims of transition, that we can create this new dimension of community only through a period of solitude - it's not that many who have supported this petition forward and celebrate here, in the same moment in this sea of loneliness are? This personal drama can not be captured by any group experience - it can only be transcended. And even in that we understand that there is little personal drama, but a common time drama.

But we need this new drama of the U.S.. Because everyone is for himself again and again to its old and usual Level of consciousness returned. What prevents us from falling again into the rut of habit is at a low level of awareness of peer pressure - anthroposophists would speak of the "group soul" .

At a higher level of WE, as where the eye crossed the star, to the uncreated vision does not stop us because the neighbor next to us on the road, but this same star over us. The archangel is the intelligent field, the higher structure of consciousness, the subtle energies. Anthroposophists call this field, in which everyone is authentic individuality and a higher WIR, the "consciousness soul" .
The human conscience awakens in us and at the same time in the universe. We feel in our soul, as the universe is thinking about us and feel - and the universe experienced our thinking, feeling and acting as his own growth. We are together a renewed appetite for integrity.

Despite this vision with us not only by the solitude, but in fact the world continue to bring, it is still important and is again important that we all have relationships with real people together higher values and wish to develop higher levels of living together. (given in a few days more on this blog)

The new intelligence will shine not only on our minds as a star. She wants to be in our soul, it aims to capture our entire body and she wants to move our feet into the earth and there this earth to make a new star .

why we need is common at all levels. For, as Andrew Cohen, "then we make between us a consciousness structure that can support the higher potential that we seek to create. By this relationship is maintained and cultivated, created in the true sense of the word a new world. Together we begin to actively and in a new way of life and the humanity involved.
move in this way the issues that we have to deal with all of us in the new light of our shared perspective and from there can be questioned and investigated. Thus the new values that form the building blocks of a new culture with like-minded people who want to go with us the next step, create together and developed.
we !
To do this, we need each other "

I think we have work ahead of us in fact a new and simultaneously ancient and eternal idea - the idea of living WE.
The challenge that we could actually ripping up, is that this "We may be no new, psychological group narcissism. But no we, that it is conveniently located in the old, magical and mythological images makes.

The shape, the appearance of this largely informal WE will all be decided by the state and depend on level of our consciousness. This is really dramatic, given that if this "enlightenment for WE", an obsolete form and appearance, because our ideas are outdated by this WE at best, then that this "We even before it develops will die. It is simply not enough to engage in the eternal formless.

Because, as Ken Wilber, "some form or vision is there, whether you like it or not, and therefore has always insisted that proper vision is for the enlightenment of absolutely necessary ... so choose your view carefully ... your conceptual understanding, Their implicit or explicit theoretical framework to determine the shape of your enlightenment. "

We decide how to manifest this new dimension of the WIR, and whether its form is accepted by our contemporaries. Our state of consciousness determines the viability of this new reality, WIR, "because reality is not through the recognition can be found, because it is a reality created in recognizing only" (Rudolf Steiner).

When we read as Rudolf Steiner's words as he has spoken to people in his time, if we understand it really only at the level of 1905 can, then these words are no words to inspire the WE to life. Then there are words on the death notice of the new WE.
The answer to the pending uncertainties and the dumb questions that we have experienced after the rapture of the 53 thousand, has to do with the fact that we have no words for the moving experience of the new We have - I think: uncertain silence is a good start.
For too early can also destroy names - is now important that we learn to listen and raise awareness of the process of birth and us inspiration to do everything, so that new life can grow. With the name of WE, we must hurry, otherwise we feel like Rilke :

"I'm so scared in front of the word of men. They talk everything out so clearly ... I will always fight and warn: Stay away. The things I hear singing so much. You touch: they are rigid and silent. You bring me all the things. "

Calls After a period of silence and urging the world to us but that we are but words. I propose the following steps: sealed once the following sentences Steiner and try each word as a universal and timeless Truth to accept and take the same time the challenge to transcend these words Sun So that you could tell it in the 20-clock news and enthusiastic so that your contemporaries.

would have in your records, the timeless and universal reality be fully audible, but the words would be up to date and modern as sound. You would not have spiritual beings and not talk about Archangel - you were this spiritual time being, and therefore you could easily make your words sound. you understand that it is not this is about symbolism? The point is that we are the dimension over we're talking about.

I think we should talk to as anthroposophists no longer about Archangel - it compromises the process of the new structure of consciousness. talk about Archangel kills, what do his archangels.

But we can develop this WE so that our words sound like Archangel would speak. If an archangel speaks, he does not talk about angels. It is enough that he speaks.

Rudolf Steiner speaks in strong terms about the WE - in line with Andrew Cohen's previous records. It begins with the famous words of the WIR Christianity.
Maybe you desire depends on this exercise to succeed on their lot: Take the full rates as a reality and then transcend them in the evening news ... Tell them about the petition and Susan Wiest and tell all of us and especially of what sustains us and lights and what we do not fully understand - rather be excited when talking about ghosts.
not talk about , ie as a higher being.
Here we go - transcending Steiner: 'Where are combining two or three in my name, there am I with them. "

" It is not the one and the other, and the third, but something entirely new that result from the union. Thus, the human associations of the mysterious places in which the higher spiritual beings , Cut down to work through the individual, how the soul works through the limbs of the body.
And I repeat again, it is spoken not only visually, but to take a full reality. Wizards are the people that work together in the brotherhood, because they attract higher being in their circle. Higher beings manifest themselves into.

Let us be in the Brotherhood, it is this abandonment, this absorption in the whole, a tempering, a strengthening of our institutions. This is the secret of progress future of mankind to work out of communities. "
(Rudolf Steiner, 23.11.1905, Berlin)

The new sounds and WE Wins and" human souls rise in gratitude to the spirits of the world. " (Rudolf Steiner)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Humpty Dumpty Potato Chip Flavors

days "Are you looking for a rich husband?. "- Israel, the continuation

Although the Gaza Strip, for example, Tel Aviv only 60 km away, is no trace of any conflict mood or depression very little. For many Israelis who live beyond the reach of Qassams, the war seems to be little talked about. And I've felt safe at all times, not least was armed to the ever-present soldiers with machine guns. The military service in Israel is the only country in the world for men (3 years) and women (2 years) equally. In addition, metal detectors and bag checks before all common high-traffic points: just before the Jerusalem Central Bus Station as the Wailing Wall, in front of shopping centers and supermarkets. Even before bars and for school field trips is always a well-armed security.

  1. In public, DO loud "Bomb!" . Call
  2. in the bus next to an Orthodox Jew sat opposite sex.
  3. stand before Arab shops without serious buying interest. talk
  4. In public, according to German. (Spontaneous "Germany above all!" Calls and Hitler greetings included the reactions)

(The photo shows the square in front of the Wailing Wall. In her spare Israeli conscripts are not "vulnerable".)

What Iron Tablets Do To Your Poo

Embrace fünfzigtausendplusx

These are exciting days to reach the 50,000 signatures motivate us for the next years of evolution. Each voice is a vitamin boost for the long march. And it's just a march of many - is anyone still asks, why do we still need heroes?

Monday, February 16, 2009

Cs Source Launch Options -autoconfig

heart-stopping final

heart-stopping finale called such a thing! The petition for unconditional basic income is in the final meters of an incredible race. over 48,000 votes meters has already behind him - far more than expected by most. The goal is w enige than 2,000 votes meters and there are still a few hours.

If you now only a few to motivate people to raise their voice (your colleague, your friend, your branch of friends, lovers or school friend ...) then we create the decisive votes meters that are missing now to the goal.

unsettling and not let if the server gets stuck sometimes ... this is a good sign. Just try again.
And in the morning the sun rises. Just like that. Without a commotion. Without final. Take all the excitement and every heartbeat, every defeat and every victory and carry him into the simple feeling to be.
sun to
Take two truths and understand that they are together a perfection: The race and the rest, 50,000 votes and a silence, the indefatigable desire a better world created and the great perfection, which is simply there, before we even started to work on it.
Always a new day, based on your Adventure and services is dependent forever .... and this rest in the silence to which you have to add anything, because everything is already perfect.
you have to decide not to rest or race. Just live both, because both are together your reality.
"Run from the many, and find the one, you've found it recognize so and embrace the many as One." Ken Wilber

Sunday, February 15, 2009

What Bleach Can Kill Scabies

" Dad is flying, now a woman again?. "- A trip to Israel

Tel Aviv, Haifa, Tiberias, Sea of Galilee, Jerusalem, Judea Desert, Massada and the Dead Sea. The stations of a week-long trip to Israel. The series of photos with comments (see right column) provides a chronological travelogue. Here I will limit myself to special features that were struck me in the "Holy Land":
My journey began on 30 January at 4:15 clock the train ride to Berlin-Tegel. Then there were Luis sister Hannah and Sophie, a friend from Berlin. The flight was cloudy and easy. Arrived in Tel Aviv we were picked up by a friendly journalist, since the beginning of the next Shabbat Shops and bus routes out of business. On the trip through a hot summer night in January, the first in some way be


Red lights of pedestrians rather than optional clause understood - even if cars are approached. Zebra stripes executed against cost motorists more than collecting points for pedestrians crossing over - so no reason to wait. Also from the flash, right of way and road markings to keep the Israelis are not too much. But what I really emotional pain prepared: The parking. If the gap along the road is just too short, the Israeli motorists driving into unceremoniously across and half on the footpath. Also on sidewalks badly bruised tires are ubiquitous. Nevertheless, the mostly white cars are remarkably intact and German cars are seen often. Are striking because of the lack of rail network of the many buses, over which the entire public transport. The bus is quite cheap, fast and convenient overland Linen. Everything else, however - apart from fruit and tobacco - is more expensive in Israel. The standard of living can be compared well with Germany. Only one difference is palpable ...
- continues -

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Can I Use Deodorant After Washing Of Drysol

The integral lone

Anyone who wants to live a truly spiritual life, which can be content not to, only in a certain level of consciousness to be present. It is not enough to gain an understanding only in the mind and models and systems to design reality. It's enough to live not only in love and all areas of life with love to penetrate. For all the love that is not enough.

It is not enough even to live only in the consciousness dimension of knowledge, where you have access to wisdom and knowledge of all creation. And, no, it is also not only in the length of the "pure being" to live, where we learn the simple and clear state of the simple and single "I Am".

Anyone who wants to live a truly spiritual life that is challenged absolutely and unconditionally, all the doors to keep open to all areas of consciousness of life. All areas are interconnected, but most of the spiritual aspirant to do it in one, or at best two areas comfortable.

The doors to the whole, then. The secret of a true spiritual life is to keep all doors to all levels of consciousness open.

Depending on their situation, one can then focus his attention particularly to a room and master life - without being cut off from the rest of the energy.
(By and large, there are ten doors to the life that I will introduce in the next issue of the journal info3 once).

Today I want because I myself am in the middle is to say something about the crisis. Who lives, for example, only in love is a crisis - this is my firm conviction - indeed survive and convert to a personal event to luck, but there it is then.

who only in the love lives and keeps the door closed, for example, to the awareness dimension of the myths and archetypes, which has no models, no heroes or gods - it lacks the passionate goals. It lacks the joy of heroic struggle against the madness, and injustice against the deformation and for a modern image of man .
who is not sovereign, the door to the myths and archetypes to keep them open and - to cite another example - only in the knowledge resident whose life is missing not only the mythical depth, it lacks the ecstatic pleasure that exploded within the sexes. course: who exclusively in the realm of myths and archetypes lived, called at the end Don Quixote .

stop connection to all dimensions of consciousness. Never let you run them off into another room and include there - not in the super reasonable space of the mind, not in the peaceful area of the simple and not being in love, the imagination or the body. Let it never be that any door is closed.

This is a tremendous challenge. Often we take refuge in our favorite room and just sit in the space of feeling and have self-pity or anger or we sit in the space of knowledge and can tell you exactly why this crisis .... There is only: This will not resolve and not transcended.

holding open the doors. Was completely awake. And then introduce yourself in the middle room - only go out there if you are ever sure that all doors are open (now shows whether you have done your homework). Before you enter that middle room, you look the last time for checking and look down through all the rooms, into the area of the body. Then look up, through all the doors, up in the space of "pure being".

Ask yourself one last time, whether you are here voluntarily.

And then breathe in the burning air of the myths and archetypes. Mutate to your hero, transforming you into your God. Think of armor and weapons. And then fight. But do not fight only for your life - fighting for life. Fight for everything for which your gods and heroes have been sentenced, have suffered, died - and now you are the one the rise again and this fight continues.

Because you decided. Because you are confident. Because you can never lock up in one dimension. Some will say, "What you're doing - you're a woman and women should be loved." Or some of you say, "What you're doing - you're a anthroposophist anthroposophists and should act out of knowledge." Or others say: "What you're doing - you're enlightened, enlightened one should still be at peace with everything."

But you know, you're the spirit of transcendence. You are the spirit that can never start with a point light. You are the spirit that has created this world from itself - all rooms, all dimensions, all quadrants. And because you are this confident spirit, you let it not true that you limit yourself. You move in the cosmic system created by you yourself. And crises you created ages ago, so now you can shape and strengthen your character.

you crash you in your crisis, you fight strong and smart and keep it open all the doors. Located in the fierce battle you hear the voices of feeling, of reason. You hear the voice of knowledge and love. Even if you're deep in your body injured, do you hear the voice of peaceful and easy attachment and presence of "pure being". All these voices stop Do not fight to take on the fight of your life and win the battle for life.

the contrary, the voices make sure that you not in the realm of myths and archetypes astray. You fight in the awareness that you have not only the power of this space - you have all the powers, all ten rooms.
Basically, you're ten completely different hero. And is your mission: to be always - even as individual fighters. You are the integral single fighter.
Thus, the truly spiritual person goes through a crisis - or completely different. How will he indicated.

But never restricted, but still sovereign and free and strong and with open doors.
Even if he suffers like a dog. But he suffers as a free and happy and just the hero, he has selected himself. For he has freed himself from all restrictions "He has wrested from all subordinates. Nothing to overcome him, as what he's like to suffer the penalty " (Rudolf Steiner).

Heroes - opens today all the doors - the next crisis to come. you have ordered it.

"Where the differences are perceived as balanced, because there is lots of life, the Dead.
Where there is life, as does the unbalanced contrast, and life itself is the continuing conquest, but at the same time re-creation of contrasts "
Rudolf Steiner

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nile Monitor Cage Blueprints

A modern image of man

Admittedly, while I am not yet the subject of it. Only three years, I employed the unconditional basic income - inspired by Daniel Häni and Enno Schmidt of the "Initiative Basic Income". To this day I am one part fascinated, on the other hand, I also have critical questions about the social model. Regardless of how one is for an unconditional basic income, it's really extraordinary how this idea has become independent and grow.

Unlike other themes that shoot sharp in no time up, then just as quickly the next Renner to make room seems the unconditional basic income actually dynamic and depth out of a large upright - the thought we do not let go.

Both Daniel Häni and Enno Schmidt and prominent supporters Götz Werner have said from the beginning again and again how important it is that this idea would ever thought once - regardless of how and when to end in a legal process would. We actually started talking to each other all about money, and talking about money is talking about fear, is talking about pride, talking about means failure, means talking about Shame. And since the unconditional basic income is talking about money and talk about the modern image of man - and there, where it is serious.

The unconditional basic income is not anthroposophical initiative. But as the issue of environmental protection since the seventies, thanks to many holistic anthroposophical approaches to sustainable environmental awareness was including the philosophical and spiritual foundation with essential by anthroposophy to the fact that it already is no longer about left, right or liberal approaches but to really new, modern and humane solutions in the best sense. For me, the idea of unconditional basic income expansion of consciousness.

blow Sometimes these thoughts are not only our thought patterns, but also computer - as happened with the server of the Bundestag. There was the citizen petition submitted to the Susan Wiest unconditional basic income - 50,000 votes would have to employ the German Bundestag with the unconditional basic income. Move such petitions usually in triple digits, the number stands at this moment in over 47,000 Simultaneous recording and it is rising rapidly, and minute by minute.
What can not think of many heads could no longer count the federal computer ... and collapsed. Thanks to an immediate intervention and the support of the Administrator in was the deadline for signing this petition now to 17 February extended - occasionally, the computer does still limp. No reason that we do limp.

If I am now like a 0815-campaigner listen, then you forgive me please, but it is true: Every vote counts and it is very simple to bring his voice. Just follow the link and in a few minutes to give this idea another voice that clearly penetrates to the house, which bears the inscription in large letters: "To the German people." Well - if that is so, we accept the invitation yet.

Even if the 50,000 votes do not come together, now is an unmistakable and enthusiastic choir. This makes me not least happy because of a fundamental tone, this choir has its origin in the man who once said:

"In earlier times, man lived instinctively into the economy now will have to Into Life in the. economy are becoming more aware and conscious. "

We're working on that, Mr. Steiner.

The photos were taken in the fall at a public meditation front of the Berlin Reichstag / Bundestag - perhaps if it's done?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Throat Blisters Treatment


A petition for an unconditional basic income came to seem so much interest that the online petition system had reached the German Bundestag to its limits. A spokeswoman for the Petitions Committee confirmed this afternoon a notice in the petition forum, after which the Mitzeichnungsfrist "because of technical difficulties, which demonstrated the system at the weekend had been extended by a week.

Already, this petition will be regarded as sensational success of the technical limits exceeded the online petition system - but we, we still have a long, long time reaches, our borders!! V erl ä EXTENSIONS! ! !
basic income
- sign direct and simple? Click here!
basic income
- Easy to know more? Click here!
basic income
- The beautiful experience Initiatin the sensation petition, Susan Wiest, when talking about the petition? Click here!
basic income
And if the server-wide bundestag out here, that it means that of a not entirely sure: You make limp!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Text To Speech Jamaican

A home for the emptiness I

Each biography is full of opportunities to expand its relative consciousness to attain new levels of connectedness with a mind awake, while a worthy expression of this spirit to be. A chance of death. For me it is just that a good friend's death was very close and still is and I so had the chance to direct the focus to this puzzle.

It has struck me that we are thinking mainly consists of habits. about death, for example, many people think that when you die the soul or spirit leaves the body . Depending on religious or philosophical perspective, this picture is more or less grinds differentiated and developed. But it remains such that a spiritual interests of the physical body dissolves. The body, the idea remains on the earth and the spiritual food passes into another dimension. The people of this world and then speak from the Afterlife.

this is the impression of thousands of years our thinking.

In a next stage of human evolution, we can transform this image to the next level.

On this new stage, we see death as follows: leaves In death the soul not the body but the soul leaves the body. Not the body stays in this world and the soul, the spirit, the spiritual food, evaporates in a hereafter. No, the spiritual dimension is permanent and infinitely extended present. Spirit is always and everywhere. Unborn. Immortal. Luminous emptiness.

But from time to time his studies at a particular point to this vast, luminous emptiness around a skin. A specific edge of a particular shell, a definition is taking shape. One of these forms, the most complex of all, we call human. The protection of this cover, created out of nothing - something. For a brief period of no more than a few decades.
The void is surrounded and abundance appears.

But once the skin is solved, there remains that which is already always was and always is: Luminous emptiness.

You can copy this picture as a little game. It's easy: Look at the empty space between you and your screen. Take your right hand slightly and shape into a half sphere. Now take your left hand and also Forme half a ball. Now run your hands together in front of the empty space. Your hands form a ball around. The empty space is now a shell. To your hands around this space and still the same space is within your hands. It is really the same room - only with shell. Keep the position at once and feel what happened instantly when a shell is: heat is generated, but also security separation. Now take your hands slowly apart.

If you now your two hands have taken apart, then what is always was: the empty space. your hands in this game represent our body and the interior of the mind. You see immediately that goes to what was previously in the hands of nowhere, when the hands go - it will just only the hands, the body passes - what remains is the "always already and simply."

be human means to be a house - in the desert of reality. Other pictures speak of man as a temple , or as one Grail. Steiner says that the man is in a room - he sometimes calls it soul, or sometimes I institution - the "is the spirit house" the . (You poem below)

We humans are like a house next to other houses. Each house has a different orientation and different filed. Diversity, diversity, diversity and individuality of externals. But why just means Äusserlichleit not banality and flatness. Exteriority is always associated with new forms of play within which the one and the same spirit otherwise engages space than without form.

are clothes as seen such a sense of our lives, because they celebrate what God without man can not be, namely different, colorful and varied to be. We can renovate and modernize.

God is timeless. In person he is modern.

UNIT God is - but he has just the ability for differentiation.

The center of all the houses, is always this is a no, this one mind - and if all the houses and all furniture is destroyed completely, it is still the space that was before - only without the walls. Remind yourself of your two hands.

differentiation is mortal - it may make us cry. UNIT is immortal - that is consolation.

Several houses form are always the one room. And when I visit my neighbors - who I visit as well? Encounter self-encounter and therefore is encounter, according to Rudolf Steiner, always a sacrament.

All these houses, forming walls and roofs to a room and this room around this is what we call individuality - individuality is cover, not core. Core is empty.

again because really important is that the center of all walls, roofs, and individuality, this one, endless space of pure being (which is also without walls) - it seems only limited by us in our individuality. Even if he in any House only a few square meters big and it seems to us like a interior - it's this one room of eternity that connects immediately with the apparent seamless outer space, once covered the walls, walls and body.

Not the spirit leaves the body. The body leaves the mind.

One, quiet, peaceful and simple state of eternal existence is always there. In you around you. In other people, in animals, plants, stones. Before death. After death. In laughter. After the laughter in the wine. After the wine.

Spirit is the true life and real life has no opposite. Not even death. The opposite of death is birth. In this sense, my friend's death is indeed closer than usual - but also the birth.

I wish my friend with all my heart that he can still learn thoroughly in this biography that he is actually immortal.

And almost everything I want him to know that he is, that it can cause great pleasure to work on his house and make it sound nice and make it clean, and tidy up and clean out.

The new, my dear, see what you can, that's not just nothing new - it is the eternal. And that leads them to you via the Simple, pure, the clear, the light. Cool water, clean air. A tomato. A cucumber. The sweetness of the apple. Forest floor. Music by Mozart. art of Jeff Koons. Gardening. Sing. A good doctor who does not look to karmic knots, but on what is his job: Your health-he has good looks and rigorous Arnzenei. Even simple words that say nothing other than what you fear, that what you long for, the hat was out injured. Sorry for complaining, this is called that for a while is good - you have a wonderful woman with a big heart. Open yourself. Leveling.
the way to eternal in this life, which also leads to meditation. Offered me.
search it without smoke and without smoke and greasy, dead animal in the refrigerator. I wish that you discover the forest and take long walks. Indeed, that you love more profound reflection and practice, but may not morbid mythology. Nurture healthy voice of joy tidy. may I wish you that your heart cries and cries himself and finally breathe -

I wish you, dear friend, that you write not only about what you think about your heart. Fresh, pure, clear air.

That sounds like a New Age? This IS New Age!

Beloved, Let us - go round the houses to your house back into shape - in this sense. I stand at your door. In hiking boots.

well soon!

I look into the world,
In light of the sun, the stars twinkle in the
the stones in the store,
grow the plants live, live animals
The feeling,
inspired in the man ,
The spirit dwelling there;

I look into the soul, The
lives inside me.
The Spirit of God, he weaves in
Sonn' and soul light
In the space out there,
In depths of soul, inside.

thee, O Spirit of God,
Will ich mich bittend Wenden,
Dass Kraft und Segen mir
Zum Lernen und zur Arbeit
In meinem Innern wachse.

Rudolf Steiner

Friday, February 6, 2009

Chrome & Formica Kitchen Table & Chairs


It's Not The spoon that's bent. It's you.

"The fact that this reality through the recognition can not be found because it is a reality created in the first recognition that is rarely seen anywhere ... It's no different for mental observation."
Rudolf Steiner

"The shape in the mind helps to realize emptiness both express? Some form or vision is there, whether you like it or not, and therefore has always insisted that proper vision is for the enlightenment of absolutely necessary ... So choose your view CAREFULLY ... your conceptual understanding, their implicit or explicit theoretical framework determine the shape of your enlightenment. "
(Ken Wilber)

The world does not contain information. The world is like it is. We will not be informed of the world, but "in the form put" 's own internal form is to allow to react a certain way . It is this operation that goes on in a man who transforms a signal into an information.
(Heinz von Foerster)

The life is not a journey of discovery, where I'll see what the day will bring, but a creative act.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Small Cylinder Containers

The walls of the ego. And the way out.

It is a very funny thing - but unfortunately it is for most people do not laugh. If I have all the people with whom I have ever spoken would be placed next to each other and would ask all to make three steps forward, suffering from the following torture - were allowed to it almost every three steps forward. If they were honest. Personally I have little more than five people known to be the just stayed when I asked them the following question of torture.

"plagues you with the idea about who you are, who you want to be and who they want to be? Do you feel this pain often or at least regularly miserable, lonely and painful? Then you come before please. "

I really appreciate that this issue, the torture question number 1, and hardly anyone would want. The front of the lonely and tormented would come together three steps forward. (Tests once the linked song - you feel well "Alone, alone," And you hear the choir sing sing with you "We are alone, alone" Häää IN CHORUS, ""?)

course there are also those people who they think would have this question though, but they would address this issue with your mood, curiosity and joy. Solo: I do not believe them. Despite feigned happiness - this question is a pain too lonely nights in question, in the early morning or in the fateful Hours. These questions are not actually made - that would be no problem. But people are trapped in these matters. Captivity is always a problem.

Mostly gift of my life is one of the moment in which this question in agony smiling and impersonal objectivity dissolved.

If I can pass this gift directly, so I can not let other people share it and maybe a little more. As a student of Rudolf Steiner and someone of his spiritual context by people like Andrew Cohen could expand, to anchor my own brief notes in two quotations of these two men:

Rudolf Steiner me taught to entpersonifizieren this torture question: "The ongoing live only in his own soul, and spin, muse this constant in one's own soul, must be overcome."

The encounter with the system of the Enneagram, horrified my ego. I did not have this or that mistake. I was a number. All I had thought about me was wrong. My whole person with all their history was in this sense is an illusion - a mistake:

"One is the error, it can not improve it easy, as you might think, as you will, it is there, it is a part of reality, and that of their own reality. Such Experience has something Destroying for one's self. " (Rudolf Steiner)

Of all the ideas about myself and what I could be, will not or perhaps will be stayed, in the end be nothing but yawning, objective boredom.

"Given honest with himself, so the last thing you see but that really is the Allertuninteressanteste of the world that which we ourselves in circles about the closest I can think and feel. About the closest I feel and think
however, many people today very much. why life is so boring, so they are unsatisfied in life "

something I want to share this experience. Do the following to you again and again and again and again clear: your pain issues are not " your" personal anguish questions. These are the questions of torture, almost all people . "Realize that it's not" your "problem. Realize that it is "the" problem "is (Andrew Cohen).

especially in these questions torment you're not isolated, especially in the pain You're not lifted out of mankind, but you find yourself in the normal mode of most people. This change in perspective you can really help the to leave position of isolation.

You begin to entpersonifizieren your person. And thus lose the agony issues of relevance - said in brackets: (Any preoccupation with what some would have us turn on a karmic issues , you met only deeply self-centered in the dungeon, but also makes the walls thicker honest: I know. many people who deal with the so-called karmic issues and focus all here, but ultimately nothing other than completely banal and unchanging ego-structures -. at all levels)

The walls of the ego will be less with pretty, colorful and very very spiritual pictures papered, sometimes it helps to a better life, but that does not alter the fact that they remain what they are. Egomauern.

Andrew Cohen: "The spiritual path runs for too many of us only to the drama of the separate self, our personal hopes and fears, ups and downs, successes and failures. This is understandable, sooner or later we must realize, however, that the issue is not easy. In an evolutionary context, the personal dimension of our own experience, only a very small part of a much bigger picture. "

is the way out, the emergency exit from this prison through the gate, headed "No" .

scare in today's spiritual scene, the very people when they are told that the word "no" to overcome the most significant word of the ego is. The word "Yes" is now in vogue. In a certain sense this is completely correct (keyword: shadow work) does not result from the prison of the ego-illusions accepting the "Yes" out. Only the objective "No".

The way out is the objective, very impersonal, "No" to all ideas, desires and fears one has about his own person.

to the objective, impersonal and gentle "no" to what one sees in the mirror, but relate in particular to all the memories and plans relating to his person.

How NEO in Matrix, which refuses to shoot him, bullets with a childish and astonished, but completely safe "no" and then, these balls before he left ( minutes 3:2 o and following ) - so you can reject all that you identify with your person. Piece by piece the crumbling walls of the ego. Go always decided, but without any Aggression before. Quite effortless, and you put on tender skin to skin.

As you peel an onion you. And what remains is not a hard core - what remains is nothing. No reason to cry, because you're free.

At the end of all "No's" waiting for the endless, timeless and radiant freedom.

The Egomauern have turned into clothes. The traps of the ego to have skills of self.

you really are, as always. With the same features - only that you herumschleppst no longer this agony with you ... No more questions nagging "who I am?" No "what I want" No "I do not want". No isolation. Not a solitary suffering. You leave the cycle of the ego.

This agony will disappear, but much is and will remain shit. One will happen to you but less and less: That you take the shit personally that it sticks to you. Shit happens. That's how it is Just like that.
You are not only "no", you are now "free show". So what you fancy pulling over. Or combat clothes. Or researchers suits. Or whatever you want. Appropriate it should be. And then shape, development, fight, would disseminate support, care, relief and I also enjoy this life.

The gentle "no" has led you to the immortal "Yes."

And among the plethora of beautiful clothes, you always feel the bright expanse of freedom - your true nature.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

How Long Can Trichomono?

Universal muscle growth

It is evening. For seventeen hours, I am now on the road. Often at night I sleep only two or three hours. I love to sleep, but my need for sleep has diminished considerably for some time - right now I'm actually very, very exhausted feel myself weak and tired, but I know that this fatigue is only one limit. Beyond this boundary is expecting me new energy. How do I get this energy? It's simple: I cross this border, and indeed as I now write a blog post. About what? I have absolutely no idea. But I'll cross that boundary and the energy will flow easily. Just because I write now. For you. The other reality of my self.

When I wake up with and am spiritually minded people together - and that this is now the case - then the energy flows. This has to do with the fact that we have done our egos so porous that we enjoy can actually, if someone else makes a great experience because we got behind the great mystery of unity and therefore enjoy the more in the apparent multiplicity can.

take multiplicity we were no longer as distinct differences, but as a differentiated aspect of the cosmic self. We learn: differentiation is not separation.

also how we understand development and evolution. We develop ourselves and we know this, that our personal evolution beyond our personality.

No matter what muscles each of us trained - strengthened the great cosmic organism - and this universe is simply not enough to just behind the next black hole, but also to the smallest root.

A holistic spiritual muscle growth therefore means that we really strengthen the whole cosmic organism. For if we, for example, our muscle integrity steels, it also forms the cosmic integrity of muscle and that means nothing other than that grows throughout the universe integrity.

Can you imagine that a black hole develops integrity? Or a grass roots? It is the case. The grass roots begin to develop a delicate integrity.

"... for man is as big as the universe." (Rudolf Steiner)

And that is always universal human growth Growth. At all levels.

This is also the reason why we put so much emphasis on the development of consciousness itself. For if our consciousness is more, if we accept new ideas, people, values, relationships, hierarchies and dimensions in our consciousness and awareness of flood - we flood that God and our neighbor as ourselves

So : Be yourself - only better! For you and for all that is the ONE.

And whenever we do not revert to our tired and irritable ego, but this limit, although how tired and flat, are always open up the floodgates and new energy flows through us with the power that flows from the space beyond our own borders.

And this room you are.

Thank You opened you. This has been good.
And by the way: You can also go to bed without the development to go back and you'll fall into sleep - without falling into your ego. How it this

Monday, February 2, 2009

What Do U Have To Do To Be Considerd Anorexic


What awakening? It is easy awakening. Many people have many ideas of awakening - but awakening is beyond all expectations. Awakening is when all positions have been pre-cleared by hand and only the remains, what is behind all conceptions is.

It is the answer to EVERYTHING - but not to all things, questions and problems. Just the answer to EVERYTHING. In other words, one knows, why there are women, but it still has no idea what makes them tick. The beauty of innocence awakened is that for the first time they really, really a pleasure. pulses at all in all - and indeed in all - a quiet pulse of the peace and joy, even under stress, even in anger. It is not that the others see immediately, but somehow he is present in a mysterious way yet.

This is so because the awakening mind free. Appearances are deceptive, and obscures. Awakening picks up the bill, in which the spirit is trapped.

"If we shall also focus our minds in our world environment between birth and death, then we have the world as phenomenon, as apparent dar." The world we live in can be compared "with the images can look to us from a mirror out that to impose on us anything, they're just pictures, they are false. And so the things that the human being as a world of perception, even sham. " (Rudolf Steiner)

Imagine the moment before, if you experience deeply and in all levels allowed to, that everything before you were afraid that all pain, all suffering and loneliness and all that has threatened you .... yes: A bill is powerless. Ultimately, the projection, the mirror of your creative imagination. You'll be so happy. So glad.

In this moment you liberate the mind and the mind begins to calm down and turn it into joyous peace. We could have perhaps afraid that a freed spirit wreak havoc - like a wild animal that we let off the leash.
The concern is unfounded. Total freedom for your mind allows the Spirit again married to the absolute order, and the beautiful harmony, which in deepest sense of now and flows everywhere. Also in the pool .

Many spiritual traditions speak of the dedication as the most important exercise. The reason is that is given up in surrender any control, any manipulation and any attempt to comply with a plan.

The mind is free, because you stop trying to control the mind - he was anxious, because that was on a leash. You will learn that you can let yourself be guided by the Spirit. Manipulation, control and repression to hear. You have so lost everything that makes your ego. You are at the end. At the end of all performances. You have lost you and everything.
And you've won something you can never lose. You won something that was at any time with you and always will be. But now you see it. And it is there. Just there.

last breath. its finally here.

You durchflutest the sun. The sun's rays flood the world.

"You lose yourself in the world around you recover spirits. (Rudolf Steiner)

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Short Term Disability From Scabies

Countdown basic income

easier way to make a revolution ...

Every minute there are more.

are you with us in 5 clicks and you can right here the German Bundestag on the BASIC INCOME bang on the table!

50 000 votes we need.

than 44 000, we have.

By 17 February is the new deadline.

This is feasible, neighbor!

Is simple and fast, You gotta just do it! That is all. But less is just nothing. Mach's true, make sure!
basic income
These include in this blog: common

basic income-Petition is talking like a wildfire

Heisterkamp and Gronbach with MP Althaus

Everyone a King

Gronbach on money as a video

Go, go, go .... simple, easy, revolutionary:

And if you've signed up, then watched as once a minute, the numbers shoot up, then it's even fun!

We are the Revolution! The revolution has never been easier ...