wins The new WE - But how? The last few days have made me once more how important the dimension of the WIR. The petition for an unconditional basic income, was made by Susan Wiest in charmingly benighted way in the world - it almost seemed as if the force of the explosion was not just lie in the professionalism of this action, but in the simple humanity. And what happened? Was it just a hype group dynamic that drove the petition forward? What was going on in the past Roughly fourteen days?
It is clearly evident that something has happened, what goes on the list with almost 53 000 names out. In addition to an obvious joy at this fact and the fact that the socio-political issue has received an unconditional basic income, a new weight, clearly something else in the room - an invisible question that between the facts, the joy and the questions afterwards as now goes on, seems to float.
This petition could win, because tens of thousands of people at a time all by myself - maybe even lonely - and sat at the computer were connected SIMULTANEOUSLY. This alone is something that what is the history of mankind until very recently.
It is a completely new phenomenon that solitude and community, fall into a moment of it and a large force is produced - Obama owes this new phenomenon, the decisive thrust.
But something worse, which is reflected in the petition history. Because here people did not only connected in a network. We not only stood hand in hand and looked at us and were happy with each other and communicate on a horizontal plane. So the everyday life of the Internet community.
But we had no life, we had holidays. And the holidays are characterized by the fact that not only looks into the eyes - but that one looks up. On a common vision, a goal, a new stage of development. And where crossing the eyes to create a shining star. Something that is more than the sum of its parts - something that depends on each individual and yet goes far beyond everyone out. Not only we, who stand in a circle, are the unusual - the unusual is the star. This star is the WE .
In mythological language, uses, sometimes, the anthroposophy, it would be WE-star level , which also moves the citizens' movement for the basic income described as Archangel hierarchy. The powerful symbolic of this language is that existential is felt that this hierarchy is actually a structure that is somewhat of a life of its own leads. In another language concept, one can speak of a higher field of intelligence.
I am deeply convinced that we - if we are actually creating a new culture that embraces all areas of life (level as well, the areas of the economy) that we will need this level of living WE are.
One of the victims of transition, that we can create this new dimension of community only through a period of solitude - it's not that many who have supported this petition forward and celebrate here, in the same moment in this sea of loneliness are? This personal drama can not be captured by any group experience - it can only be transcended. And even in that we understand that there is little personal drama, but a common time drama.
But we need this new drama of the U.S.. Because everyone is for himself again and again to its old and usual Level of consciousness returned. What prevents us from falling again into the rut of habit is at a low level of awareness of peer pressure - anthroposophists would speak of the "group soul" .
At a higher level of WE, as where the eye crossed the star, to the uncreated vision does not stop us because the neighbor next to us on the road, but this same star over us. The archangel is the intelligent field, the higher structure of consciousness, the subtle energies. Anthroposophists call this field, in which everyone is authentic individuality and a higher WIR, the "consciousness soul" .
The human conscience awakens in us and at the same time in the universe. We feel in our soul, as the universe is thinking about us and feel - and the universe experienced our thinking, feeling and acting as his own growth. We are together a renewed appetite for integrity.
Despite this vision with us not only by the solitude, but in fact the world continue to bring, it is still important and is again important that we all have relationships with real people together higher values and wish to develop higher levels of living together. (given in a few days more on this blog)
The new intelligence will shine not only on our minds as a star. She wants to be in our soul, it aims to capture our entire body and she wants to move our feet into the earth and there this earth to make a new star .
why we need is common at all levels. For, as Andrew Cohen, "then we make between us a consciousness structure that can support the higher potential that we seek to create. By this relationship is maintained and cultivated, created in the true sense of the word a new world. Together we begin to actively and in a new way of life and the humanity involved.
move in this way the issues that we have to deal with all of us in the new light of our shared perspective and from there can be questioned and investigated. Thus the new values that form the building blocks of a new culture with like-minded people who want to go with us the next step, create together and developed.
we !
To do this, we need each other "
I think we have work ahead of us in fact a new and simultaneously ancient and eternal idea - the idea of living WE.
The challenge that we could actually ripping up, is that this "We may be no new, psychological group narcissism. But no we, that it is conveniently located in the old, magical and mythological images makes.
The shape, the appearance of this largely informal WE will all be decided by the state and depend on level of our consciousness. This is really dramatic, given that if this "enlightenment for WE", an obsolete form and appearance, because our ideas are outdated by this WE at best, then that this "We even before it develops will die. It is simply not enough to engage in the eternal formless.
Because, as Ken Wilber, "some form or vision is there, whether you like it or not, and therefore has always insisted that proper vision is for the enlightenment of absolutely necessary ... so choose your view carefully ... your conceptual understanding, Their implicit or explicit theoretical framework to determine the shape of your enlightenment. "
We decide how to manifest this new dimension of the WIR, and whether its form is accepted by our contemporaries. Our state of consciousness determines the viability of this new reality, WIR, "because reality is not through the recognition can be found, because it is a reality created in recognizing only" (Rudolf Steiner).
When we read as Rudolf Steiner's words as he has spoken to people in his time, if we understand it really only at the level of 1905 can, then these words are no words to inspire the WE to life. Then there are words on the death notice of the new WE.
The answer to the pending uncertainties and the dumb questions that we have experienced after the rapture of the 53 thousand, has to do with the fact that we have no words for the moving experience of the new We have - I think: uncertain silence is a good start.
For too early can also destroy names - is now important that we learn to listen and raise awareness of the process of birth and us inspiration to do everything, so that new life can grow. With the name of WE, we must hurry, otherwise we feel like Rilke
"I'm so scared in front of the word of men. They talk everything out so clearly ... I will always fight and warn: Stay away. The things I hear singing so much. You touch: they are rigid and silent. You bring me all the things. "
Calls After a period of silence and urging the world to us but that we are but words. I propose the following steps: sealed once the following sentences Steiner and try each word as a universal and timeless Truth to accept and take the same time the challenge to transcend these words Sun So that you could tell it in the 20-clock news and enthusiastic so that your contemporaries.
would have in your records, the timeless and universal reality be fully audible, but the words would be up to date and modern as sound. You would not have spiritual beings and not talk about Archangel - you were this spiritual time being, and therefore you could easily make your words sound. you understand that it is not this is about symbolism? The point is that we are the dimension over we're talking about.
I think we should talk to as anthroposophists no longer about Archangel - it compromises the process of the new structure of consciousness. talk about Archangel kills, what do his archangels.
But we can develop this WE so that our words sound like Archangel would speak. If an archangel speaks, he does not talk about angels. It is enough that he speaks.
Rudolf Steiner speaks in strong terms about the WE - in line with Andrew Cohen's previous records. It begins with the famous words of the WIR Christianity.
Maybe you desire depends on this exercise to succeed on their lot: Take the full rates as a reality and then transcend them in the evening news ... Tell them about the petition and Susan Wiest and tell all of us and especially of what sustains us and lights and what we do not fully understand - rather be excited when talking about ghosts.
not talk about , ie as a higher being.
we Here we go - transcending Steiner: 'Where are combining two or three in my name, there am I with them. "
" It is not the one and the other, and the third, but something entirely new that result from the union. Thus, the human associations of the mysterious places in which the higher spiritual beings , Cut down to work through the individual, how the soul works through the limbs of the body.
And I repeat again, it is spoken not only visually, but to take a full reality. Wizards are the people that work together in the brotherhood, because they attract higher being in their circle. Higher beings manifest themselves into.
Let us be in the Brotherhood, it is this abandonment, this absorption in the whole, a tempering, a strengthening of our institutions. This is the secret of progress future of mankind to work out of communities. "
(Rudolf Steiner, 23.11.1905, Berlin)