What awakening? It is easy awakening. Many people have many ideas of awakening - but awakening is beyond all expectations. Awakening is when all positions have been pre-cleared by hand and only the remains, what is behind all conceptions is.
It is the answer to EVERYTHING - but not to all things, questions and problems. Just the answer to EVERYTHING. In other words, one knows, why there are women, but it still has no idea what makes them tick. The beauty of innocence awakened is that for the first time they really, really a pleasure. pulses at all in all - and indeed in all - a quiet pulse of the peace and joy, even under stress, even in anger. It is not that the others see immediately, but somehow he is present in a mysterious way yet.
This is so because the awakening mind free. Appearances are deceptive, and obscures. Awakening picks up the bill, in which the spirit is trapped.
"If we shall also focus our minds in our world environment between birth and death, then we have the world as phenomenon, as apparent dar." The world we live in can be compared "with the images can look to us from a mirror out that to impose on us anything, they're just pictures, they are false. And so the things that the human being as a world of perception, even sham. " (Rudolf Steiner)
Imagine the moment before, if you experience deeply and in all levels allowed to, that everything before you were afraid that all pain, all suffering and loneliness and all that has threatened you .... yes: A bill is powerless. Ultimately, the projection, the mirror of your creative imagination. You'll be so happy. So glad.
In this moment you liberate the mind and the mind begins to calm down and turn it into joyous peace. We could have perhaps afraid that a freed spirit wreak havoc - like a wild animal that we let off the leash.
The concern is unfounded. Total freedom for your mind allows the Spirit again married to the absolute order, and the beautiful harmony, which in deepest sense of now and flows everywhere. Also in the pool .
Many spiritual traditions speak of the dedication as the most important exercise. The reason is that is given up in surrender any control, any manipulation and any attempt to comply with a plan.
The concern is unfounded. Total freedom for your mind allows the Spirit again married to the absolute order, and the beautiful harmony, which in deepest sense of now and flows everywhere. Also in the pool .
Many spiritual traditions speak of the dedication as the most important exercise. The reason is that is given up in surrender any control, any manipulation and any attempt to comply with a plan.
The mind is free, because you stop trying to control the mind - he was anxious, because that was on a leash. You will learn that you can let yourself be guided by the Spirit. Manipulation, control and repression to hear. You have so lost everything that makes your ego. You are at the end. At the end of all performances. You have lost you and everything.
And you've won something you can never lose. You won something that was at any time with you and always will be. But now you see it. And it is there. Just there.
last breath. its finally here.
You durchflutest the sun. The sun's rays flood the world.
"You lose yourself in the world around you recover spirits. (Rudolf Steiner)
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