Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Throat Blisters Treatment


A petition for an unconditional basic income came to seem so much interest that the online petition system had reached the German Bundestag to its limits. A spokeswoman for the Petitions Committee confirmed this afternoon a notice in the petition forum, after which the Mitzeichnungsfrist "because of technical difficulties, which demonstrated the system at the weekend had been extended by a week.

Already, this petition will be regarded as sensational success of the technical limits exceeded the online petition system - but we, we still have a long, long time reaches, our borders!! V erl รค EXTENSIONS! ! !
basic income
- sign direct and simple? Click here!
basic income
- Easy to know more? Click here!
basic income
- The beautiful experience Initiatin the sensation petition, Susan Wiest, when talking about the petition? Click here!
basic income
And if the server-wide bundestag out here, that it means that of a not entirely sure: You make limp!


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