How did I deserve me! After two strenuous work throughout the next days, I leave late last week was just right. But this time the goal was not the sunny "Middle East", but the icy cold eastern Germany. I called it "my roommate Hesse, Saxony-Anhalt Jonas show" - he called it an "Eastern Tour". And got out of the marked difference in temperature tremendously in Aschersleben reinforced that impression. But the following days were very relaxing holiday, eye-opening and sharp. focus was particularly our Asian cooking trial with incredibly sour pineapple and a little too much of the chilli. Eye-opening for me, especially the two days in Halle (Saale) were. Blinded by the negative stereotypes of prefabricated buildings and neglected inner city, I probably had in common with the majority of Germans, I am so far as blinkered walked through the city and have the option to study in Halle, only considered with the greatest distance. To me are the many beautiful buildings and atmosphere of the Thirties cobblestone winding streets along with street lamps and houses of that time with milling crowds and tram never noticed. The many elegant cafes and bars, cinemas and theaters far from the mainstream, make the city grow intressant for me. Enough to hall - for now. Also because we were still in Magedeburg, Wittenberg and Nordhausen. Back in Kassel, the new work week began recovering melancolieförderndem apart from snow and motivated again. God save my "Middle East"!
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