Thursday, February 12, 2009

Can I Use Deodorant After Washing Of Drysol

The integral lone

Anyone who wants to live a truly spiritual life, which can be content not to, only in a certain level of consciousness to be present. It is not enough to gain an understanding only in the mind and models and systems to design reality. It's enough to live not only in love and all areas of life with love to penetrate. For all the love that is not enough.

It is not enough even to live only in the consciousness dimension of knowledge, where you have access to wisdom and knowledge of all creation. And, no, it is also not only in the length of the "pure being" to live, where we learn the simple and clear state of the simple and single "I Am".

Anyone who wants to live a truly spiritual life that is challenged absolutely and unconditionally, all the doors to keep open to all areas of consciousness of life. All areas are interconnected, but most of the spiritual aspirant to do it in one, or at best two areas comfortable.

The doors to the whole, then. The secret of a true spiritual life is to keep all doors to all levels of consciousness open.

Depending on their situation, one can then focus his attention particularly to a room and master life - without being cut off from the rest of the energy.
(By and large, there are ten doors to the life that I will introduce in the next issue of the journal info3 once).

Today I want because I myself am in the middle is to say something about the crisis. Who lives, for example, only in love is a crisis - this is my firm conviction - indeed survive and convert to a personal event to luck, but there it is then.

who only in the love lives and keeps the door closed, for example, to the awareness dimension of the myths and archetypes, which has no models, no heroes or gods - it lacks the passionate goals. It lacks the joy of heroic struggle against the madness, and injustice against the deformation and for a modern image of man .
who is not sovereign, the door to the myths and archetypes to keep them open and - to cite another example - only in the knowledge resident whose life is missing not only the mythical depth, it lacks the ecstatic pleasure that exploded within the sexes. course: who exclusively in the realm of myths and archetypes lived, called at the end Don Quixote .

stop connection to all dimensions of consciousness. Never let you run them off into another room and include there - not in the super reasonable space of the mind, not in the peaceful area of the simple and not being in love, the imagination or the body. Let it never be that any door is closed.

This is a tremendous challenge. Often we take refuge in our favorite room and just sit in the space of feeling and have self-pity or anger or we sit in the space of knowledge and can tell you exactly why this crisis .... There is only: This will not resolve and not transcended.

holding open the doors. Was completely awake. And then introduce yourself in the middle room - only go out there if you are ever sure that all doors are open (now shows whether you have done your homework). Before you enter that middle room, you look the last time for checking and look down through all the rooms, into the area of the body. Then look up, through all the doors, up in the space of "pure being".

Ask yourself one last time, whether you are here voluntarily.

And then breathe in the burning air of the myths and archetypes. Mutate to your hero, transforming you into your God. Think of armor and weapons. And then fight. But do not fight only for your life - fighting for life. Fight for everything for which your gods and heroes have been sentenced, have suffered, died - and now you are the one the rise again and this fight continues.

Because you decided. Because you are confident. Because you can never lock up in one dimension. Some will say, "What you're doing - you're a woman and women should be loved." Or some of you say, "What you're doing - you're a anthroposophist anthroposophists and should act out of knowledge." Or others say: "What you're doing - you're enlightened, enlightened one should still be at peace with everything."

But you know, you're the spirit of transcendence. You are the spirit that can never start with a point light. You are the spirit that has created this world from itself - all rooms, all dimensions, all quadrants. And because you are this confident spirit, you let it not true that you limit yourself. You move in the cosmic system created by you yourself. And crises you created ages ago, so now you can shape and strengthen your character.

you crash you in your crisis, you fight strong and smart and keep it open all the doors. Located in the fierce battle you hear the voices of feeling, of reason. You hear the voice of knowledge and love. Even if you're deep in your body injured, do you hear the voice of peaceful and easy attachment and presence of "pure being". All these voices stop Do not fight to take on the fight of your life and win the battle for life.

the contrary, the voices make sure that you not in the realm of myths and archetypes astray. You fight in the awareness that you have not only the power of this space - you have all the powers, all ten rooms.
Basically, you're ten completely different hero. And is your mission: to be always - even as individual fighters. You are the integral single fighter.
Thus, the truly spiritual person goes through a crisis - or completely different. How will he indicated.

But never restricted, but still sovereign and free and strong and with open doors.
Even if he suffers like a dog. But he suffers as a free and happy and just the hero, he has selected himself. For he has freed himself from all restrictions "He has wrested from all subordinates. Nothing to overcome him, as what he's like to suffer the penalty " (Rudolf Steiner).

Heroes - opens today all the doors - the next crisis to come. you have ordered it.

"Where the differences are perceived as balanced, because there is lots of life, the Dead.
Where there is life, as does the unbalanced contrast, and life itself is the continuing conquest, but at the same time re-creation of contrasts "
Rudolf Steiner


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