Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nile Monitor Cage Blueprints

A modern image of man

Admittedly, while I am not yet the subject of it. Only three years, I employed the unconditional basic income - inspired by Daniel Häni and Enno Schmidt of the "Initiative Basic Income". To this day I am one part fascinated, on the other hand, I also have critical questions about the social model. Regardless of how one is for an unconditional basic income, it's really extraordinary how this idea has become independent and grow.

Unlike other themes that shoot sharp in no time up, then just as quickly the next Renner to make room seems the unconditional basic income actually dynamic and depth out of a large upright - the thought we do not let go.

Both Daniel Häni and Enno Schmidt and prominent supporters Götz Werner have said from the beginning again and again how important it is that this idea would ever thought once - regardless of how and when to end in a legal process would. We actually started talking to each other all about money, and talking about money is talking about fear, is talking about pride, talking about means failure, means talking about Shame. And since the unconditional basic income is talking about money and talk about the modern image of man - and there, where it is serious.

The unconditional basic income is not anthroposophical initiative. But as the issue of environmental protection since the seventies, thanks to many holistic anthroposophical approaches to sustainable environmental awareness was including the philosophical and spiritual foundation with essential by anthroposophy to the fact that it already is no longer about left, right or liberal approaches but to really new, modern and humane solutions in the best sense. For me, the idea of unconditional basic income expansion of consciousness.

blow Sometimes these thoughts are not only our thought patterns, but also computer - as happened with the server of the Bundestag. There was the citizen petition submitted to the Susan Wiest unconditional basic income - 50,000 votes would have to employ the German Bundestag with the unconditional basic income. Move such petitions usually in triple digits, the number stands at this moment in over 47,000 Simultaneous recording and it is rising rapidly, and minute by minute.
What can not think of many heads could no longer count the federal computer ... and collapsed. Thanks to an immediate intervention and the support of the Administrator in was the deadline for signing this petition now to 17 February extended - occasionally, the computer does still limp. No reason that we do limp.

If I am now like a 0815-campaigner listen, then you forgive me please, but it is true: Every vote counts and it is very simple to bring his voice. Just follow the link and in a few minutes to give this idea another voice that clearly penetrates to the house, which bears the inscription in large letters: "To the German people." Well - if that is so, we accept the invitation yet.

Even if the 50,000 votes do not come together, now is an unmistakable and enthusiastic choir. This makes me not least happy because of a fundamental tone, this choir has its origin in the man who once said:

"In earlier times, man lived instinctively into the economy now will have to Into Life in the. economy are becoming more aware and conscious. "

We're working on that, Mr. Steiner.

The photos were taken in the fall at a public meditation front of the Berlin Reichstag / Bundestag - perhaps if it's done?


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