Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Small Cylinder Containers

The walls of the ego. And the way out.

It is a very funny thing - but unfortunately it is for most people do not laugh. If I have all the people with whom I have ever spoken would be placed next to each other and would ask all to make three steps forward, suffering from the following torture - were allowed to it almost every three steps forward. If they were honest. Personally I have little more than five people known to be the just stayed when I asked them the following question of torture.

"plagues you with the idea about who you are, who you want to be and who they want to be? Do you feel this pain often or at least regularly miserable, lonely and painful? Then you come before please. "

I really appreciate that this issue, the torture question number 1, and hardly anyone would want. The front of the lonely and tormented would come together three steps forward. (Tests once the linked song - you feel well "Alone, alone," And you hear the choir sing sing with you "We are alone, alone" Häää IN CHORUS, ""?)

course there are also those people who they think would have this question though, but they would address this issue with your mood, curiosity and joy. Solo: I do not believe them. Despite feigned happiness - this question is a pain too lonely nights in question, in the early morning or in the fateful Hours. These questions are not actually made - that would be no problem. But people are trapped in these matters. Captivity is always a problem.

Mostly gift of my life is one of the moment in which this question in agony smiling and impersonal objectivity dissolved.

If I can pass this gift directly, so I can not let other people share it and maybe a little more. As a student of Rudolf Steiner and someone of his spiritual context by people like Andrew Cohen could expand, to anchor my own brief notes in two quotations of these two men:

Rudolf Steiner me taught to entpersonifizieren this torture question: "The ongoing live only in his own soul, and spin, muse this constant in one's own soul, must be overcome."

The encounter with the system of the Enneagram, horrified my ego. I did not have this or that mistake. I was a number. All I had thought about me was wrong. My whole person with all their history was in this sense is an illusion - a mistake:

"One is the error, it can not improve it easy, as you might think, as you will, it is there, it is a part of reality, and that of their own reality. Such Experience has something Destroying for one's self. " (Rudolf Steiner)

Of all the ideas about myself and what I could be, will not or perhaps will be stayed, in the end be nothing but yawning, objective boredom.

"Given honest with himself, so the last thing you see but that really is the Allertuninteressanteste of the world that which we ourselves in circles about the closest I can think and feel. About the closest I feel and think
however, many people today very much. why life is so boring, so they are unsatisfied in life "

something I want to share this experience. Do the following to you again and again and again and again clear: your pain issues are not " your" personal anguish questions. These are the questions of torture, almost all people . "Realize that it's not" your "problem. Realize that it is "the" problem "is (Andrew Cohen).

especially in these questions torment you're not isolated, especially in the pain You're not lifted out of mankind, but you find yourself in the normal mode of most people. This change in perspective you can really help the to leave position of isolation.

You begin to entpersonifizieren your person. And thus lose the agony issues of relevance - said in brackets: (Any preoccupation with what some would have us turn on a karmic issues , you met only deeply self-centered in the dungeon, but also makes the walls thicker honest: I know. many people who deal with the so-called karmic issues and focus all here, but ultimately nothing other than completely banal and unchanging ego-structures -. at all levels)

The walls of the ego will be less with pretty, colorful and very very spiritual pictures papered, sometimes it helps to a better life, but that does not alter the fact that they remain what they are. Egomauern.

Andrew Cohen: "The spiritual path runs for too many of us only to the drama of the separate self, our personal hopes and fears, ups and downs, successes and failures. This is understandable, sooner or later we must realize, however, that the issue is not easy. In an evolutionary context, the personal dimension of our own experience, only a very small part of a much bigger picture. "

is the way out, the emergency exit from this prison through the gate, headed "No" .

scare in today's spiritual scene, the very people when they are told that the word "no" to overcome the most significant word of the ego is. The word "Yes" is now in vogue. In a certain sense this is completely correct (keyword: shadow work) does not result from the prison of the ego-illusions accepting the "Yes" out. Only the objective "No".

The way out is the objective, very impersonal, "No" to all ideas, desires and fears one has about his own person.

to the objective, impersonal and gentle "no" to what one sees in the mirror, but relate in particular to all the memories and plans relating to his person.

How NEO in Matrix, which refuses to shoot him, bullets with a childish and astonished, but completely safe "no" and then, these balls before he left ( minutes 3:2 o and following ) - so you can reject all that you identify with your person. Piece by piece the crumbling walls of the ego. Go always decided, but without any Aggression before. Quite effortless, and you put on tender skin to skin.

As you peel an onion you. And what remains is not a hard core - what remains is nothing. No reason to cry, because you're free.

At the end of all "No's" waiting for the endless, timeless and radiant freedom.

The Egomauern have turned into clothes. The traps of the ego to have skills of self.

you really are, as always. With the same features - only that you herumschleppst no longer this agony with you ... No more questions nagging "who I am?" No "what I want" No "I do not want". No isolation. Not a solitary suffering. You leave the cycle of the ego.

This agony will disappear, but much is and will remain shit. One will happen to you but less and less: That you take the shit personally that it sticks to you. Shit happens. That's how it is Just like that.
You are not only "no", you are now "free show". So what you fancy pulling over. Or combat clothes. Or researchers suits. Or whatever you want. Appropriate it should be. And then shape, development, fight, would disseminate support, care, relief and I also enjoy this life.

The gentle "no" has led you to the immortal "Yes."

And among the plethora of beautiful clothes, you always feel the bright expanse of freedom - your true nature.


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